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The next day at Sophie and her three dads. Sky stays in the hotel and the four did already the test. Now they waiting for the results and Sophie sits with her three dads in the waitingroom. Sophie looks to all

"are you not mad at me when for example Harry is the father and not you and you?" Or Sam is the father and Harry and Bill is not?"

Sam sighs smiling his hand on her shoulder

"No..absolutely not..really.."

Harry continues

"I want know that too and I love it to met you in my life."
Sophie smiles

"thank you."

Bill says then

"and I still love you as a human and as a stepdaughter."

Sophie smiles more

"thank you all.."

After a few minutes comes a nursery person

"so we have the results..please follow me."

The four follow her and then they sit down on chairs. The doctor looks to them

"so..we have the results..."
Sophie looks excited to him, Sam, Bill and Harry too. Sophie heart is beating crazy because she knows finally who her real father is. The doctor takes the paper and read then

"we check the sperm from Sam Carmichael, Harry Bright and Bill Anderson and your hair so that we can check the DNA. Mr. Anderson and Harry Bright is can we completely execute because you have 0% from her genes. So Mr. Carmichael is 100% Sophies father!"

Sophie smiles to him and Sam is laughing and they hug each other. Harry says

"Congratulations daddy"

he laughs. Bill laughs too. Then they go outside from the hospital and back to the hotel and explain that all to Sky. The next day they go back to greece to their family and tells it them too.
one month later organize Ruby and Fernando still for their wedding because the wedding is tomorrow. Both walking in the morning out from the hotel and Fernando asks

"Hmm...what a great day.."

Ruby smiles

"Oh comes my best friend Pauline..we don't see each other since few years."

Fernando smiles

"Ohh..and..what are you doing?"

Ruby shrugs with her shoulders

"Hmmm i don't know...nothing maybe."

She looks to him smiling. Fernando laughs

"nothing? This listen great."

Ruby laughs too and kisses him then short and Ruby sees how some ships are coming on the port

"Oh I think she is there."

She smiles. Fernando looks to her direction

"do you want that I leave you alone with her? I must do some hotelworks anyway."

Ruby nods

" that."

She smiles and kisses him short

"bye babe.."

then she walks away and Fernando looks behind her and smiles and walks back to his office. Ruby is finally there and sees Pauline finally

"Pauline!! Pauline wohooo look!" She smiles. Pauline takes her purse

"Aahhh Ruby oh my Gooooooooood!!!"

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