Dancing Queen

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Back at Greece and three days later.

Sophie sits with Sky in her room and Sky has Donny in his arms because he sleep. Sophie sits on the floor and read again the diary from Donna and read a site what she never saw before...

Mini flashback as Donna is pregnant with Sophie.

Donna want go back to home and hopes there is her mum at home. As she go in she screams softly


Ruby is in front of the mirror and makes her finish again, like everyday, for a concert. She rolls her eyeballs as she hear Donnas voice and make an annoying


Donna swallows down and comes to her

"are you go to a concert? Again?"

Ruby sighs and makes her earrings in her ear and is annoyed that is not working and looks to her

"How is it look like?"

Donna says nothing but then she say

"Uhm...mum..I.. want say you something..before you go."

Ruby tries it again with her earring and say nothing.

Donna comes a bit closer to her

"uhm..you know that I was in Greece.."

Ruby says then

"ahh you was in Greece?"

Donna sighs deep because she said that to her mother 5 times but she see that she don't listen to her

"Well..yes...and I'm for few years back here..because..."

she swallow deep

"because I'm pregnant"

Ruby looks to her shocked


Donna makes few steps back

"Yeah yeah...but I know already how I handle this...really."

Ruby lift her hands and will angry

"pregnant!!! Pregnant!!! You...you...YOU STUPID, RECKLESS LITTLE SLUT! why can you don't pay attention of yourself huh?!!"

She comes closer to Donna. Donna scares a bit and few tears rolling down on her face


Ruby screams to her again "there is no but!!! Oh my God.. pack your things! I don't want see you here again!"

Then she walks to the door and wears her shoes and opens the door and Donna runs behind her

"but muuum!"

She cries. Ruby looks to her strict

"Go out from here now! Immediately!"

She looks to her watch

"God I have not time for discussions! Otherwise I'm late but go out now!"

Then she takes her purse and rams the door as she close it. Donna cries again, she takes her suitcase and makes her finish for Greece again...

Back at Greece

Sky looks then to Sophie

"do you read the diary from your mum again?"

he asks carefully. Sophie looks to him and smiles

"Yes..because mum is then in my near."

She stands up and lies the diary away

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