One of us

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One year later after when Sophies Baby is born. Ruby was in the meantime everytime in the hotel and enjoy it there with Fernando. But since 2 weeks is Ruby in Las Vegas for a concert. Fernando sits in the office and must think always about Ruby and he just missed her so much. But he knows that she will come back in three days. He takes nevertheless his phone and calls Ruby. Ruby lies meanwhile in her hotel room in Las Vegas and is sleeping. At moment it is 9 a.m. in Las Vegas. As her phone is ringing ,she wake up and makes a little sound

"Uhhh I hope its not the work."

She takes her phone and sees that Fernando is calling and smiles then

"Hey Babe."

Fernando smiles then as he hears the voice from Ruby

"Hey sweetheart...I hope I don't disturbing you."

Ruby yawns

"Ohhh no..absolutely not. Its morning and I must wake up anyway. So you was my clock. My favorite clock"

she giggles and sits then on the edge from the bed. Fernando laughs

"I miss you mi amore. What are you doing today?"

Ruby sighs

"I miss you too babe..really..well.. concert, tomorrow a concert too, the day after tomorrow a concert too."

Fernando sighs

"when are you coming back?"

Ruby answers

"in three days. And then we have our time together. I promise."

Fernando smiles short

"okay..uhm..have a nice day for you...and..I love you okay?"

Ruby smiles and nods

"love you more. Bye babe."

She hungs up and she falls then on the bed. Fernando lies the phone on the table and sings then:

"They passed me by...all of those great were, I felt, robbing me."

He stands up

"of my rightful chances."

He takes a picture from him and Ruby

"my picture clear, everything seemed so easy."

He walks to the window

"And so I dealt you the blow. One of us had to go. Now its different, I want you to know"

Ruby stands meanwhile in front of the mirror and she brushes her hairs and sings then

"one of us crying,  one of us lying. In a lonely bed."

She lies the brush away and looks sad to the mirror

"starring at the ceiling. Wishing she was somewhere else instead. One of us is lonely, one of us is only."

She walks to the bed and takes her phone and looks on it

"waiting for a call. Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small. Wishing she had never left at all"

Fernando walks then in the hotel around and sings

"I saw myself. As a concealed attraction. I felt you kept me away. From the heat and the action. Just like a child. Stubborn and misconceivung. That's how I started the show. One of us had to go. Now I'm changed and I want you to know."

Both leaning against the wall and they are close even though they are far far away and both singing

"One of us crying, one of us is lying. In a lonely bed. Staring at the ceiling. Wishing she was somewhere else instead. One of us is lonely, one of us is only. Waiting for a call."

Then wears Ruby her things on and lies her sunglasses on her nose and both singing again

"sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small. Wishing she had never left at all."

Ruby sings then

"never left at all...."

Ruby sighs and takes then her phone and calls her bodyguard who organize her shows

"Benny..yeah here is Ruby. Cancel the shows for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Why? God Benny I'm a great grandmother now and a wonderful partner. God I don't know cancel the shows and move them to...I don't know just move them! Thank you! I don't know just tell the fans that the hall is burning fire"

She hungs up and sighs deep. Then she go down to the street and go in her limousine and drives to the hall. Meanwhile there are sounds from the song "Summer night city".

Meanwhile in Greece again. Fernando stands outside and watching the water on the beach. Sophie sees him and come from behind

"Senior Cienfuegos?"

Fernando turns around to her

"Hey Sophie"

he smiles

"it's everything okay with Donny?"

Sophie nods

"Yes everything okay"

she smiles but there is something in her heart but she wants talk about it with Ruby. She asks then

"do you miss grandma?"

Fernando sighs

"Yes...I do..she comes back in three days but nevertheless I miss her."

Sophie smiles

"don't worry..she come back and that's the mainthing."

Fernando nods

"I hope so. Because I want a marriage proposal on her"

Sophie looks surprised and smiles

"Oh my God really?"

Fernando smiles and nods

" the sunset on the beach."

Sophie smiles again

"Oh my God I think grandma will loves that"

Fernando laughs quiet

"sure she will...that's why I do that."

Sophie smiles

"Senior Cienfuegos I have a other question. Have we in the hotel five rooms free?"

Fernando nods

"Yes we have. Why do you ask?"

Sophie answers:

"in three days come Tanya, Rosie, Sam, Bill and Harry too and I want be sure that they should not sleep outside"

she laughs. Fernando laughs

"Oh yes sure."

Sophie smiles

"thank you Senior Cienfuegos."

She go then away in the direction from the hotel. Fernando turns around again to the view from the beach and takes from his pocket the wonderful marriage proposal ring and thinks about the time back in Mexico 1959....

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