our last summer

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Its the next morning and all the hotel guests, among Sophie, Tanya, Sam, Bill and Harry too sitting outside. Ruby and Fernando coming really happy to them. Sophie smiles to them

"good morning grandma and senior Cienfuegos."

Fernando looks to her

"good morning Sophie. Well we want say something."

Every people look to them. Fernando takes Ruby's hand and lift it so that all can see it

"We will marry!"

Sophie looks surprised

"What? When he did a proposal to you?"

Ruby smiles

"yesterday.. on the beach in the sunset."

Tanya giggles to Rosie and says quiet to her

"I never thought that the wicked witch of the west will ever marry"

both giggles.

Fernando continues

"and because of that we make in the little concert hall in the hotel a little concert. I play guitar and Ruby is singing."

All clapping there and are happy about it.


says Fernando and go then with Ruby away. Ruby looks to him

"you want show me a surprise?" She smiles. Fernando nods

"yes..because we do it already in Mexico and now I can it better."

They are at the port and Fernando lies his hand over her eyes and she laughs

"oh God"

Fernando hold her left arm

"don't worry...I walk with you"

he laughs too and walk with her to a sailboat and then he makes his hand from her eyes away

"now you can look"

he smiles. Ruby opens her eyes and looks to the sailboat

"oh my God...you have a sailboat.."

she looks to him

"oh my...you mean..like.. earlier? As you play guitar on the boat as we sit together for the first time in the boat."

Fernando smiles and Ruby hugs him

"Jesus...you are really a dreamhusband"

Fernando laughs and turns his arms around her and after that they sit in the boat and Fernando drives the boat. Ruby stand up and looks to the water and enjoys it all there. As they are enough away he sits down and takes a guitar and makes him ready and sings:

"I can still recall our last summer. I still see it all. Walks along the beach, laughing in the rain. Our last summer. Memories that remain."

Ruby smiles remembers the time as young Ruby and young Fernando sitting on the boat and sings for her something and young Fernando sings continue:

"we made our way along the water and we sat down on the sand. By the Mexico beach. I was so happy we had met. It was the age of no regret. Oh yes."

Fernando from the presence is singing continue

"Those crazy years that was the time. Of the flower-power. But underneath we had a fear of flying. Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying. We took the chance. Like we were dancing our last dance."

Ruby sings then with him too

"I can stell recall our last summer. I still see it all. In the tourist jam. Round the Mexico beach. Our last summer. Walking hand in hand."

Now we slide to the little concert in the hotel where Ruby and Fernando there singing. There is a little circular survey and Ruby is singing on it. Next to him sits Fernando on a chair and plays with a guitar and sings too.

"Mexico restaurants. Our last summer. Morning Tortillas. Living for the day. Worries far away. Our last summer. We could laugh and play."

Ruby sings then alone

"And now you're working in a hotel, the family man, the football fan"

Fernando shakes short his head

"and your name is Fernando. How dull it seems. Yet you're the hero of my dreams."

Now sings both again

"I can still recall our last summer. I still see it all. Walks along the beach, laughing in the rain. Our last summer. Memories that remain. I can still recall our last summer. I still see it all. In the tourist jam. Round the Mexico beach. Our last summer. Walking hand in hand. Mexico restaurants. Our last summer. Morning Torttilas. Living for the day. Worries far away."

As they singing finish every people in the room are clapping and there are standing ovations. Tanya and Rosie do it too and Rosie thinks about something. Ruby bend down

"thank you...thank you.."

Ruby and Fernando make the little concert til 11 p.m. because the suspector love it. Before they go comes Sophie with Donny

"he wants a good night kiss from great grandmother."

Ruby smiles

"aaawww little boy...good night okay?"

She kisses him on his forehead and strokes over his arm."

Donny smiles and Sophie go with Donny to their room. Ruby and Fernando are in his house and watches from the terrace stars and cuddles a bit

"I'm looking forward to organize the wedding."

Says Ruby. Fernando looks to her and smiles

"me too...you don't know how speechless I am to have you back."

Ruby smiles

"me too..me too believe me. And..uhm..I have here something what you maybe still know."

Fernando looks to her and Ruby takes from her pocket the chain with the Ruby on it what Fernando gave to her in Mexico 1959. Fernando smiles

"you still have it?"

Ruby nods

"of course I have...I have it always in my bag..."

Fernando smiles


Ruby looks romantic to him and Fernando comes closer to her and kisses her passionately. Ruby lies her hands on his cheeks and both close her eyes....

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