I wonder

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Its the next day at noon and Ruby wears her dress on with Pauline and some helpers. Ruby sighs

"I'm so nervous Pauline...what if when he don't like my dress...and I'm so looking forward how he looks like."

Pauline lies her hand on Ruby's shoulder

"Believe me..everything will be okay. You marry your dreamman and that's the mainthing."

Ruby smiles and looks to her

"I know...and I'm so happy about it."

Pauline smiles and takes Ruby's hand and go with her out and Sophie with others are waiting for them. Sophie looks then to Ruby and smiles

"grandma you look beautiful! Wow."

Rosie nudges Tanya's arm and let her look to Ruby

"Wow..I think I must talk with her after the wedding."

Says Rosie to Tanya quiet. Tanya looks to Rosie


She is confused. Rosie looks annoyed

"She is not so horrible as you think. We should give her a chance and you should apologize on her too."

Tanya drinks her wine

"sure.. okay..you are right."

She nods. After that helps the others that Ruby sits on a donkey, like Sophie did in her wedding. Then they walk with the donkey to the church what is upstairs on the big mountain. In the meantime is playing a piece from the song "as good as new". After a while they are at the mountain and the others go in the church and Sophie helps Ruby to get out the donkey. Ruby sighs deep and Sophie looks to her

"are you nervous grandma?"

Ruby looks to her and smiles

"yes..I am..and its the first time that I want really marry this man."

Meanwhile she walks with Sophie to the door from the church

"as I marry my first husband I have never feelings for him and I don't want marry him."

Sophie strokes over her arm

"but now you marry your dreamman and this is the best thing in your life."

Ruby nods and then as the door will open and Ruby and Sophie go in. Suddenly we see young Ruby as a bride how she walks in the church from earlier to her ex husband. Then sings Ruby:

"This park and these houses, old streets I have walked. Everything dear, will it be here. One day when I am returning?" She looks to her ex husband and we can see him too but we can't see his face and she imitate she is happy but physical she don't love him and think everytime about Fernando and sings continue

"My friends will get married, have children and homes. It sounds so nice, well - planned and wise. Never expecting surprises."

She looks to her guests and smiles short to Pauline because she knows as an once person that Ruby don't love him. Then she sings continue

"I wonder its frightening. Leaving now, that the right thing? I wonder, it scares me. But who the hell am I if I don't even try. I'm not a coward. Oh no I'll be strong. One chance in a lifetime. Yes I will take it, It can't go wrong."

Then we see how Ruby still walking with Sophie to Fernando. Ruby smiles to him and Fernandos eyes shining because he loves her dress. Then sings young Ruby and old Ruby together:
"My friends and my family, this dull little town. Buses I've missed, boys I've kissed. Everything old and familiar."

In the meantime we switched to young and old Ruby and both sings continue

"I wonder, it's frightening. Leaving now, is that the right thing? I wonder, it's scared me. But who the hell am I if I don't even try. I'm not a coward. Oh no, I'll be strong. One chance in a lifetime."

Then sings young Ruby alone

"Yes I will take it...."

then sings the old Ruby end

"Yes I will take it, it can't go wrong..."

then we see how the young Ruby get from her ex husband the ring in her finger and kisses then and Ruby's face is such sad than happiness. At the end they make a photo and her face is just sad....

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