Gonna sing you my love song

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Again at the present time and Ruby and Sophie are still talking about this

"So..Senior Cienfuegos is not mums father?"

Asks Sophie. Ruby shakes her head

"No..from a man I never loved and already died when Donna was 5."

She sighs. Sophie lies her hand on Ruby's

"grandma...uhm..I give you a chance to be great as a great grandmother and I know you want be more there for us..and..when our baby is here you can support me..like mum.."

she smiles. Ruby smiles short

"Ohh Sophie..this is really kind of you.. I.. "

she makes her tears from her eyes away

"I'm sorry..."

she laughs. Sophie smiles

"it's okay grandma..really.."

she smiles. Ruby smiles too and asks after a while

"I know it's difficult for you...but..uhm..how died your mum?"

Sophie is for a while silent and sighs deep and tries to not to cry. Ruby stands up and walks to her

"Hey..it's okay..."

now do Ruby what a real grandma do. She let Sophie lies in her arms and strokes over her back.

"I know its difficult...take your time.."

a tear rolls over her cheek too because of this all. Sophie begins then to talk

"Well...mum died because..there was mould as the hotel was old and their going to their lungs and then..."

*Flashback at the time when Donna was in the hospital*

Sam is waiting in the waiting room and got then the diagnosis from the doctor that Donna have lung cancer. Sam nods then and as the doctor go away sings Sam:

"You say she's been mad at you..then you say you'll be patient, ooh. Still I see that she makes you blue. Come on, I'll give you consolation."

Sam go then to Donna and sits next to her on the bed, takes her hand

"Gonna sing you my love song, gonna bring you some light. Gonna make you feel happy every day of your life. Gonna sing you my love song, gonna make it all right."

Donna opens her eyes and looks to him and smiles. Sam smiles to her too and say to her

"How do you feel?"

Donna answers:

"I feel different...but..I feel okay..." 

Sophie and Ruby are standing meanwhile behind the hotel and Sophie looks to Ruby

"four days later died mum...and..for Sam was it only horrible"

Sam is walking on the beach and sings again

"Just to be where you want to be, so much fun we could have then,hmm. To be close for eternity. What a miracle to happen."

He stretches his arms out to the side and sings with tears on his cheeks

"Gonna sing you my love song, gonna sing it for you. Gonna give you sweet loving, gonna give myself too. Gonna sing you my love song, when I think about you. I know she doesn't make it easy. Cause you don't please her like you please."

He kneels down and draw in the sand a heart with D + S and sings then quiet:

"you're all I ever need my darling and I would love to sing my love song. For you..."

Sophie looks to Ruby and she lies her hand on Sophies shoulder and sings then too:

you're my life, you're my angel.."

she looks to the sky and both singing

"you're my first, you're my last. Would she care of you lingered. For another night, want to hold you tight."

Sophie makes her arms around Ruby's waists

"we could make it right. Gonna sing you my love song, gonna bring you some light. Gonna make you feel happy every day of your life. Gonna sing you my song, gonna make it all right. I know she doesn't make it easy." Ruby and Sophie looks to each other and Sophie turns her arms around her and lies her head on Ruby's chest and Ruby lies her hands on Sophies back and she strokes over her hairs and both sings

"Gonnna sing you my love song, gonna sing it for you. Gonna you sweet loving, gonna give myself too. Gonna sing you my love song, when I think about you. You're all I ever need, my darling and I would love to sing my love song."

Sophie sings then alone

"for you..."

Sophie looks then to Ruby

"And for mum we did extra a room for her where she live. There are all her things and sometimes I take her diary to read that."

Ruby smiles short and thinks if she visit her room too. But she thinks she don't do that. Maybe likes that Sophie and Donna not and that's why asks Ruby not where Donna's room is, she just say

"Thank you that you say me that..even though Donna hates me after that..."

Sophie sighs

"you're my grandma..and I will always tell things about mum or other things." She smiles. Ruby smiles too and hugs then Sophie lovely...

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