new regulars

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"Knock, knock!" I turned around from packing my bag. I smiled seeing Gabi standing at my door.

"Hey." I breathed deeply. "Hi." She closed the door behind her. "Well are you gonna stand there like a creep or give me a hug?" I chuckled opening my arms for a hug.

Gabi laughed softly falling into my arms. "I'm so glad you're okay." She hugged me tighter. I hissed in pain making her immediately pull away. "Sorry!" She apologized.

"It's fine." I smiled at her softly. I sat on the bed patting the spot beside me.

"How've you been?" I asked. She looked at me before shaking her head. "I've been better." She said quietly. "Same." I chuckled again.

"My parents finally stopped arguing but now they're crazy overprotective. I had to convince them to let me see you." Gabi joked. "I know it didn't take your mom too much convincing, she loves me." I nudged her jokingly making her roll her eyes.

"Don't remind me." Gabi shook her head.

"How are you?" She asked me. I sighed not meeting her eyes. "I've been better." I told her making her nod. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder pulling me into another hug.

"Don't fall back, let us help." She whispered. "We love you, remember that okay?" She rubbed up and down my back.

I clenched my jaw. I pulled away kissing her forehead.

"Ready to get out of here?" She asked. "Yeah, this place is oddly quiet." I sighed grabbing my bag. "Is Dixie outside?" I asked as we made our way to the resource desk.

"Yep, she's waiting in the car with Jaden and your mom." She nodded. "Cool." I nodded as the nurse pulled up the wheelchair. It was protocol so I didn't really care too much.

I sat in the chair as she rolled me to the exit.

I saw Dixie waiting with Jaden in the back seat. I smiled softly standing by myself and getting in the car, waving at Gabi who had parked in front of us.

"Here's your phone." Jaden told me softly as I got situated handing me the phone.

"Thanks man." I smiled softly. "Is my dads car at home?" I asked him. He nodded silently. I turned towards Dixie offering her a smile which she returned.

I leaned over kissing her cheek before she started driving towards my house.


I sighed sitting in my studio with Jaden and Dixie. I was strumming out chords sitting quietly in the producer chair.

"Ondreaz wants us to sing at the funeral with him." Jaden said suddenly. I looked at him and nodded. "What song?" I asked setting my guitar down.

"He said it's called One Sweet Day." Jaden said passing me the phone. "Sweet, I'll ask him for the arrangement." I said looking at the sheet music he had sent.

"Tell him to come over we can work." I passed him back the phone.

"Dix?" I turned towards her. "Yes?" She looked up from her phone. "Want to work on a song with me?" I asked with a small smile. She nodded.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked. "Come here." I motioned her over pulling her into my lap. "Your mom sent me a video of you singing." I chuckled. "You sounded good." I grabbed my guitar.

I strummed out the chord I had been working on.

"Sometimes I don't wanna be happy, don't hold it against me." I sung softly.

As we worked on the song Dre arrived about thirty minutes later. His eyes puffy and red as he greeted all of us.

I stood, Dixie taking my guitar with her.

"Let's go." I put my arm around him. "Jay," I looked behind me. "You coming?" I asked. He nodded following behind us.

We went to my in-house gym sitting on different work out equipment getting as comfortable as we could.

"Uncle Bron and Kobe reached out. Sent their condolences." He sniffled. I nodded playing with my hands.

He breathed heavily. "I feel empty." He let tears fall making me move closer to him. Jaden placing his hand on his shoulder.

"And my mom won't even look at me, Xavier won't come out of his room. I just feel so alone." He put his face in his hands.

"Dre," I felt myself getting teary eyed. "You're not, you're far from it." I sniffled trying to get through to him the best I could.

"We're here. Through everything," Jaden hugged him from behind. "We got you." He whispered. Ondreaz sat in silence. His tears still falling as we consoled him.

"Coach asked if I wanted to take a break or anything but I think I just want to wear his number." He told us. "And my mom is making me take a break from school, two weeks so we can get everything in order."

"Coach reached out to me too. We're wearing black bands on our jerseys for the rest of the season." I nodded.

"Our moms had to talk because I'm out of school for two weeks too. Said I'm in therapy until then." I chuckled. "Me too." Dre nodded.

"Me three." Jaden added. "It'll be good for us." He commented. "Yeah, I hope so." Dre said softly.

He breathed deeply again.

"Can we go work now? Enough of this sad shit." He laughed softly. I smiled standing up. "Let's get to it!" I nodded.


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