so hard to breathe

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Colton's POV

"Hey babe! You! Me! Lunch date!" I kissed her cheek as she closed her locker. "So is this our surprise date or?" She asked. "About that." I scratched behind my neck. She pouted.

"The boys want to go to the cheerleaders party tonight and I'm the DD. Well no alcohol but still I moved our date to Saturday if that's okay. And if it's not then I understand babe I just don't want them to get hurt." I rambled nervously.

"Colton, breathe." She giggled. "I'm not mad, I think it's sweet you want to be there for your friends." She said as we started walking to her homeroom.

"Do you want to go with me?" I asked. "Do you want me to go with you?" She asked. "Yes, that's why I asked." I squinted my eyes at her. Just as she was about to respond I was shoulder checked.

I looked up to see Griffin smirking. "Watch yourself Johnson!" I warned. Dixie grabbed my hand turning my attention back to her. "Ignore him." She told me softly. I nodded remaining quiet.

I clenched my jaw trying to hold in my anger. "I'll see you in chemistry." I kissed the top of her head and headed to homeroom.

"Woah, who pissed in your cereal?" Ondreaz asked as soon as I sat down. "Johnson." I said. "Griffin? Dixie's ex?" Ondreaz asked. "They never dated." I rolled my eyes. "Right, what did he do?" He followed up. "He shoulder checked me on purpose in front of her."

"And you didn't punch him?" Tony rose his eyebrow. "I'm on thin ice dude you heard Matty this morning. Plus it'll just end up on that stupid gossip page." I ran my hand through my hair.

"True, tiktok room is the worst." Tony said. "And I'm not even a tiktoker, why am I on there every week?" I rolled my eyes. "You're dating a tiktoker you're automatically getting watched. I'd actually watch my likes if I were you. They look at shit like that too." He warned.

"Whatever man, I really wanna delete my social media. Shit is not it." I said. "They'd notice that too." He snorted as the bell rang.

"See you tonight dudes." I said as I stood from my seat dapping them up and heading to class.


"Colton," Gabi stopped by my locker after my second period class. I looked up showing her a grimace as she shifted from foot to foot.

"What's up?" I asked softly not really wanting to talk to her but being civil. "I heard you're coming tonight." She cleared her throat.

"Yeah, I'm the DD." I nodded. "Cool, I guess I'll see you there." She smiled softly. "Yeah." I said shortly. She walked off leaving me by myself.

"Yo!" Griffin approached my locker next. I groaned. "What is this?" I asked no one in particular but the bell rang causing the hallway to clear out.

"You and your buddy's go to the cliffs late at night often?" He asked. I rose my eyebrow closing my locker. "Sometimes. Why?" I humored him.

"No reason. Just asking." He shrugged turning around to walk away. "Oh and Colton?" He said with a smirk checking back. "What?"

"I know, and I won't sit on this for long." He winked. My world froze as I realized exactly what he was talking about. "What's your problem bro?" My voice broke.

"Oh, you're real quiet now Mays." He laughed venomously. "Where was the energy this morning? Remember you told me to watch it!" He smirked.

My jaw clenched. "Watch your back." He finally walked away. My breathing picked up as I clutched my chest. I slid down the lockers gasping for air. I looked around the hallway but nobody was here.

I laid on my side trying to catch my breath but it was no use.

"Colton!" I heard my name being called. "Hey! Hey can you hear me?" A dark haired boy shook me. "I'm Jaden, can you hear me?" He asked still trying to get my attention. I nodded gasping for air still.

"Can you," I gasped. "Get my aunt?" I asked. "Ok, who's your aunt?" He asked softly. "Mrs. Howard." I said. He nodded getting up. I heard his fast footfalls leave me.

I tried calming myself down but nothing was working.

"Hey! Hey, Colton baby can you hear me?" My aunt asked as I came to. I looked around to see I was in the nurses office.

My aunt Gail standing over me. "How did I get here?" I asked. "Jaden carried you to the nurse. We found you passed out in the hallway after he came and got me. You scared us." She told me softly.

"Where is he?" I asked not seeing him there. "I sent him back to class." She said grabbing a seat by the bed.

"I'm not going to ask. Just," she sighed. "Colton I think you need to see a therapist."

"No," I shook my head. "I wasn't asking." My Aunt said sternly. "I'm not crazy. I have panic attacks everyone does!" I said. "No," She said. "No they don't and I don't think you understand that."

"I love you, I love you so much." She stood taking my face in her hands. "I can't," Her voice cracked. "I won't let you kill yourself. I can't lose you! I can't Colton!" She cried. "Do you understand?"

I clenched my jaw holding back tears. "Colton!" She sniffled. I looked away from her and nodded. "Yeah, I understand."

"Go to class." She stepped away letting me down from the bed. I grabbed my bookbag and headed to my English class.


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