Angry much🔥🍋

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"Dixie." Colton nudged her girlfriend a little later. She had just woken up herself checking her phone to see it was six in the morning.

"Five more minutes." She groaned burying her head even more into Colton's shoulder. "We have three more hours to sleep. We just fell asleep in the basement." Colton told her. "Come on." She moved helping Dixie up. The girl half asleep.

As they went up the stairs Colton closed the door behind them and turned off the light in the kitchen as they passed through the room.

"Tony." Colton shook his shoulder as he let out a noise. "Fuck, my head." He groaned as he held his head in his hands. "There's medicine in the bathroom. Wake Addison up and go to bed. I'll wake Dre." She told him. "Okay." His eyes were squinted as he answered.

"Dre," Colton called his name making him jump out of his sleep. "Yo, go to the guest room." She told him making him sit up and rub his eyes.

"I'm gonna go get the bucket for Charli." Colton told her girlfriend who seemed to be falling back asleep standing up. Colton laughed softly shaking her head. "Babe, go ahead upstairs. I'll be there in a second." She turned her towards the steps. Dixie groaned turning back around and clinging onto Colton.

"Fine stay with me then." Colton moved back to the kitchen to get the bucket before heading upstairs. Dixie hopping on her back halfway up the steps. "You're clingy when you're sleepy. Got it." Colton joked as Dixie only murmured in confirmation.

She quietly set the bucket beside Charli's bed before going to her room and shutting the door.

Dixie almost immediately got in bed as Colton hooked her phone back up to her charger. Sitting on her bed quietly.

"Baby," Dixie called. "Yes love?" She answered turning towards Dixie. "Come cuddle me please?" Dixie whined opening her arms. "You want cuddles baby?" I teased kissing all over her face. She giggled pulling me in for a kiss as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Sleep, we have tutoring." I whispered burying my face in her neck. "Don't remind me." She groaned kissing my forehead affectionately. "I'll set my alarm so we can shower." I kissed below her neck feeling her shiver. "I forgot about our shower." She laughed softly.

"You? Forgot about sex? Where has my girlfriend gone?" I gasped playfully. "Shut up!" She giggled. "Sleep! We need the energy!" Dixie squeezed my tighter.

She didn't have to tell me twice since I was already halfway asleep again.



Addi! Are you awake?

Dixie why are you texting me and we're in the same house?

Because we're about to leave and I figured I could text you while we're on our way to the school.

Wait? They have training today?

No, me and Colton have Chemistry tutoring. We should be back in about an hour and a half.

Okay good.

Wait. What's up?

Nothing! I was just wondering.

Ok. We'll revisit that.
Me and Colton had sex.


I think I'm in love.

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