lets talk 🍋🔥

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Bolt 🙈💙

Can we talk?

Come over after practice.
You have powderpuff practice remember.

I can care less about that when we're not good.
I'll be over after you get out of practice.



"Is that Colton?" Charli asked as we saw her pull up in the driveway. "Yeah, we're about to talk." I answered quietly.

"Are you getting back together?" Charli asked. "No, we're just talking." I shook my head. "Okay, I'll be in my room." Charli nodded heading upstairs as Colton knocked on the door.

I opened the door letting her in quietly. She followed me up the stairs just as quiet, taking a seat at my desk as I closed and locked my door.

I sat across from her as I noticed she didn't look much better than she had this morning.

"Where's your weed?" I asked quietly. She pulled it from her pocket handing it to me. "Do you want the alcohol in my car too?" She asked softly. "You've been drinking and driving all day?" I rose my eyebrow.

She nodded wiping her face.

"Well go get it." I told her.

She returned with a big tequila bottle that was halfway gone. Handing it to me she sat back down quietly.

"You're not driving again." I told her. "Okay." She stuffed her hands in her hoodie pockets.

I sighed going in my bathroom and flushing everything she gave me.

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday." I leaned on my bathroom doorway after I finished. "I was mad and what I said did not help anything."

She nodded.

"I deserved it." She looked up at me. "I hurt you so you hurt me back that's the way it goes. I accept your apology though."

"Colton," I sat back down across from her. "You didn't deserve that." I asked for her hands. She hesitated before placing hers in mine.

"I'm glad I found out from you rather than anyone else. And you're not the least bit easy to get over. You're my bestfriend and you know it hurt but I will never say that again. And I will never use you're happiness as a weapon against you ever again."

"Dix," She sniffled. "You shouldn't be apologizing for anything." Colton said. "But I should though Colton." I felt my emotions taking over as tears dropped from her eyes.

"My reaction was not supposed to hurt you in the slightest. I shouldn't have made you feel worse then you already did." I let go of her hand to wipe my tears.

Colton stood asking for a hug.

"I forgive you okay." She whispered as soon as I hugged her. I nodded into her shoulder.

"And I'm sorry too okay. That was stupid of me to ever make a bet on you. Especially when I knew I already liked you. You're not an object and I shouldn't have treated you like one."

I nodded again before looking up at her.

"I love you okay." I told her. "I love you too." She licked her lips. I stared at them for a second before locking eyes with her again.

"If we do this it doesn't mean we're back together okay?" I said softly leaning closer to her. She nodded. "I have to win you back I know that." She said. "You do." I said softly.

"Okay." She nodded leaning down to kiss me fully. Her hand tilted my chin towards her making me moan softly.

"Take everything off." She whispered breaking our kiss. I nodded stepping out of my sweatpants and taking off my shirt. She took off her hoodie before turning back towards me connecting our lips again.

Her hands unlocking my bra as she slipped her tongue in my mouth.

I moaned again as her hands moved to my ass squeezing softly as I circled my arms around her neck.

"We have to be quiet." I whispered. "I'll try." She picked me up under my thighs laying me down. Her eye contact never breaking as she hovered over me.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked. "Yes," I nodded bringing her down into another kiss. She grabbed a hair tie from my wrist tying her hair into a messy bun smoothly as I watched.

"I love you." She kissed all over my face making me giggle below her. "I love you too." I answered.

She dipped her head to my neck peppering kisses wherever she could find skin. Along my chest and the valley of my breast. Sucking purple bruises where only she got to see.

I felt her fingers push my panties aside, dipping into my center teasingly.

A moan slipped from my lips as she leaned down to peck them softly. "Quiet yeah?" She smiled mischievously. I nodded pulling her closer.

"You're so pretty." She whispered entering her fingers slowly making me gasp. She pecked my lips again as she found a rhythm. I pulled her ear to my lips letting her hear what she was doing to me.

"I want to marry you." I said wrapping my legs around her waist. Her thrust harder as she shuddered.

"You do?" She asked quietly. "Yes, so get your shit together." I moaned as she curled her fingers inside of me. Colton laughed softly taking my lips in hers. "Quiet Dix." She kissed below my ear.

"I love you." She said pulling me closer to her. "I love you too." I told her in her ear. "Fuck Colton!" I moaned feeling myself closer to my climax.

"That feel good baby?" She whispered. "Yes," I said softly in her ear. "So good baby. Go faster!" I hugged her closer.

"Okay baby." She whispered speeding up her pace. I moaned in her ear spurring her on as I felt my body tingling all over.

"Colton! Just like that! Don't stop!" I let out loudly. I felt as smirked against my neck shushing me. "I'm gonna cum!" I told her.

"You gonna cum baby?" She asked repeating what I just said. "Yes!" I nodded feeling the knot in my stomach tighten. "Cum. Go ahead. I got you." She pounded into me.

I let out a moan that she kissed me to quiet me down. She pecked my lips repeatedly as I came.

She hugged me close to her looking me in the eyes as she kissed me.

"I love you." She said quietly.

"I love you too." I told her kissing her softly.

"Sleep yeah?" She smiled.

"Yeah." I pulled her back down on to my chest.

"You need to put some clothes on first." She giggled drawing circles on my chest.

"We'll worry about that later." I laughed kissing her forehead. She got up picking up her hoodie and giving it to me.

"Put it on bubs. Then we nap." She laughed softly. I pulled her hoodie on before pulling the covers over the both of us.


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