let you down

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"How come we don't have matching outfits like all the other couples?" Colton asked Dixie as they sat in her car watching the sun set.

"I didn't know you were in to that." Dixie shrugged. I hummed to myself.

"Actually I didn't think you were in to homecoming." Dixie corrected herself. "Me and the twins always go all out. We even throw a party at my house after the football game every year." I chuckled.

"Wait really?" She sat up looking at me. "Yeah," I nodded. "Our party last year got shut down after the neighbors filed a noise complaint." I laughed remembering my dad almost getting in a fight with one of the cops.

"I was at that party." Dixie said. "Wait, really?" I asked genuinely surprised. "Yep," She nodded. "Addison dragged me there of course but it was fun."

"Wait," I looked at her. "I talked to this girl by the pool, and now that I think about it she looked like you but she had silver hair."

Dixie giggled. "Colton I used to have silver hair."

"Wait either I was totally trashed or we've met before." I looked at her confused. She shook her head.

"I knew you were drunk and wouldn't remember a lot. We did talk. I asked you how you dealt with fame. I was just blowing up at them time and you were you." She pulled her knees up to her chest.

"Sorry if it feels misleading. I was embarrassed crying in front of you but when we met again you didn't seem to remember me so," She shrugged. I nodded smiling at her softly.

"I uh," I sighed. "I have a bit of a secret too." I looked up at the sky before looking back at her.

"Oh yeah?" She snickered.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I love you Dixie." I told her softly.

"I love you too Colton." She giggled pulling me into a kiss. "Now tell me!" She excitedly looked at me.

"Babe," I started clearing my throat. "Remember that party Bryce threw at the beginning of the year?" I asked. "Yeah, the one after the scrimmage." She nodded.

"Before that, me and Tony made a bet."

"About what?" She asked. "You." I told her softly. "I don't like where this is headed." Dixie frowned. "We weren't serious but we made the bet that I could make you fall in love with me by New Years Day." I sighed.

She visibly sunk into herself.

"So all of this was a bet?" She asked softly. "No!" I shook my head. "We weren't serious!"

"I love you Dixie!" I told her but she shook her head. "I want to go home." She said softly. I nodded not fighting her on it. I stood going to open her door but she stopped me. "Don't, I can do it myself." She opened the door getting in as I got in on my side.

The car ride was silent as I drove to her house.

"I'm sorry Dixie." I said softly as I pulled into her driveway. "Colton," She held up her hand.

"You're my first girlfriend, I came out so I could tell everyone just how happy we were together. But now," She took a shaky breath.

"Now all I can think about is after that party you said you liked me. Literally the day after." She shook her head. "It's makes me think all of this was a lie so you could win a stupid bet!"

"It wasn't serious!"

"Stop saying that! It's not helping as much as you think it does! You still made it at the end of the day!" She opened her door.

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