Robert lewandowski

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It was the first if January. Oh how you hated January's because you knew you had to make yet another New Years resolution that by February you would of either forgot about or didn't care. This year you wanted to become more active and get fit. You wasn't a big person but you knew that you had put on a few pounds recently and you just had to do something about it .

It was a cold morning. You woke up pretty early wanting to get to the gym before everyone else. You put on your gym outfit that was new and set off for the gym.
You signed in and went straight to the treadmill as it was the least complicated piece of equipment there. You placed your headphones in your ears before blasting out some old music that was on your iPod and setting off on the treadmill. You was doing a pretty good pace minding your own business as nobody else was there. You hadn't realised that you were singing quite loudly.

"Yo listen up here's a story about a little guy that lives in a blue world and all day and all night everything he sees is blue like him in side and out side blue his house with a blue little window"

When you noticed someone was stood behind you.
You carefully turned off the treadmill and took out your earphone and turned around.
Stood in front of you was a guy that towered you but was roughly 6ft and very handsome.
He smiled at you as you blushed.

"Erm sorry was I so gong too loud" you shouted still barely about to hear your self.
He laughed
"Yes but your a good singer" he winked
"Erm thanks" you said blushing even more
"Well I'm Robert is it ok if I take the treadmill next to you?" He asked
You nodded
He took the treadmill next to you and began to gently jog.
"So erm you come here often" he asked still jogging
You began to jog too
"Erm no it's my first time actually" you replied getting out of breath
"Oh ok well I guess you will be coming her more " he smiled
"Yeah if course" you said taking a breath
"Oh so I could train you up if you want to" he said sweetly
You agreed

After about twenty minutes of jogging you both got off the treadmill

"So erm..... What is your name" he giggled
" oh sorry how rude of me I'm (Y/N) " you said stilling next to him
"Oh well (Y/N) I will see your beautiful face tomorrow same time as today" he winked getting up from the chair and handed you a nite with his number on it . You blushed "yeah I will see you tomorrow Mr Lewandowski " you smiled

You now couldn't wait to come back to the gym to see robert again

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