Julian draxler

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It was the day after the World Cup final. You hadn't seen your boyfriend julian in over a month. It was hard going from seeing him everyday to not seeing him or even hearing his voice. You was so happy to see him that day and since your country won the cup and he played for the team you just wanted to see him. You was sat nervously at your parents house as you usually live in Gelsenkirchen with julian.

You was sat that morning watching the tv. You was sat watching sky sport awaiting for them to announce a time that the team would arrive back to Berin.
"We have more news now about our champions" kate abdo announced on the TV. You edged forwards a little eager to hear what she was going to say.
"Our champions will be landing in Berlin at 12pm and will be in the town centre to celebrate the amazing victory. If your in the area go join the crowd of overwhelmed people to cheer on our champions." You sat back and checked your watch it was 11:30 am.
Right you thought getting up from the sofa and quickly got changed into a cute pale pink dress that julian had brought you a couple of weeks before he went away and you headed for you car to drive to the town centre so you could be apart of the amazing atmosphere and surprise julian.
The town centre was packed loads of people partying, playing loud music and simply having a great time. You headed to the stage that was bang in the centre of town this was where the players will show off their amazing cup.
You stood there for a couple of minutes taking in the atmosphere when you heard loud roars and people cramming towards the stage. You smiled with excitement.
"Yes they are here" you whispered to you self watching the car pull up.
You couldn't of been more exited than what you was feeling right now.
The whole team stood at the far end of the stage and each took it in turns to come down as a wave towards the crowd.
"Julian draxler!" He main presenter announced as julian walked in your direction he hadn't noticed you at first because he was looking the other direction waving at the fans. He turned to see you standing there clapping for him with the most beautiful smile on your face. He immediately ran over to you and pulled you up on stage not caring about the rest of the crowd. He held your hand softly staring into your eyes.
"Hey (Y/N) I've missed you so much. I can't believe it your here I love you so so much." He said and passionately kissed you. You kissed back and the whole crowd of people all cheered and clapped. It was the perfect moment. He pulled away taking your hand and pulling you in the direction of the rest of his team mates who were lined up waving at the crowd.
"(Y/N) your wearing the dress I brought you. He smiled you look absolutely beautiful." He smiled and you smiled back at him.
"Baby I've missed you too and congrats on the win I'm more than lucky to have the perfect guy that is not only so sweet but a world champion" so spoke and kissed him again.

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