Mats Hummels

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you have been friends with mats for years. you two where that close you where like brother and sister. you two had grown up doing everything together you even supported him through out his matches and you went to every game.
it was the day of an important match for BVB and you knew how much it meant to him to win. He had trained for weeks and hours to make sure he was his best. As always you went with him to the stadium and sat in your reserved seat that you had paid for which was just behind the bench this way you could talk to mats whenever he's there and not playing.
The match started and the game against Bayern was really tough for both teams mainly because the whole crowd where booing and cheering at Mario Götze. The pressure was on and the game ended 1-1. The match finished and you rushed don the locker room where you knew Mats would be.
''Hey Mats how are you?'' you asked knowing he was feeling down.
"im alright ." you knew he was just saying that so you didn't worry.
you looked at him and he faked a smile. you sat next to him on the bench.
"seriously Mats i know when you are lying." you looked deeply in his eyes.
he didn't talk he just moved closer to you cup your face and leaned in close and kissed you.
at first you didn't know how to react he was your best friend nothing else. you fell deeply into a passionate kiss and yes you kissed him back.
he pulled away placing his nose on your nose.
"wow mats that was unexpected." you smiled
"yes it was but i wanted to kiss you I've wanted to do it for ages. i just didn't know how i could do it or tell you that i really truly love you more than just friends." he bit his lip
"yeah we are more than friends" you moved away slightly.
"we are best friends" you giggled
he looked at you can tried not to laugh but he couldn't.
"omg are you serious you always make me laugh." he wiped his eyes
"yes i know how to make you smile and yes i like you too more than friends." you smiled twisting your hair.
"yeah we are best friends remember silly." he smiled
you moved closer to him and kissed him again.

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