Mario Götze

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"Mario." You called your husband of four months quietly from the kitchen.

You heard him cheer from the mans room he had done for him and his mates, "yeah babe?" He responded happily.
He must of scored a goal whilst playing FIFA against Marco.

"Can I talk to you?" You nervously asked.
"Of course " he said pausing the game and looking at you expectantly.

"In private" you suggested
He got up leaving the controller on the sofa and followed you to the kitchen.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked
"Nothing's wrong,quite the opposite actually. I got a new top" you said
"So I paused my game for you to tell me have a new top" he sighed raising his eye brows"
"Not any shirt Mario" you said handing him a bag . He frowned at you holding the bag.
"Just open it" you ordered

He did what you asked pulling out a blue top. It took him a moment to read what it said. He looked at you then back at the white writing on the top.
"No way" he whispered
"You're ....." He trialled off nodding at your stomach
You nodded unable to keep the smile off you face
"There's a baby in there?" He asked placing a soft large hand on your stomach
You nodded again "a baby Götze " you confirmed
"(Y/N) this is best thing ever
"A baby Götze " he replied
You smiled "I'm so happy (Y/N)." He said leaning in I kiss your lips
He pulled away "how far gone are you?" He asked , bending down and placing his forehead on yours.
"I don't know yet I need to go to the doctors for that but I'd say about 6 weeks" you looked at him
"I'm gonna wear that top when we go out next."
"Actually I'm gonna wear it now" he took off his top showing his perfectly toned abs and slipped on the new top
"Perfect" he said kissing your lips one more time
"Now come see me beat Marco again" he took your hand and walked back into his mans room

Marco looked up from his phone and looked up at you and smiled
"Hey (Y/N) "
"Hey Marco"
"Yo Marco ,guess what ?" Mario asked giddily
"What?" Marco asked
Mario pointed to his top Marcos eyes read the top "omg congratulation man" he said getting up and giving you both a hug
"I'm so exited for her to come !" Mario squealed, jumping up and down
"Her?" You asked
"Yeah a girl so she could be exactly like her mother." He said
"How do you know ?" You asked
"You might call it a fathers instinct " he smiled

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