part one.

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Beginning's are hard to describe. It's something new you are just introduced to—so you don't know too much about anything

So you have to be careful. Always.

"So!" The girl–my new roommate, excitedly announced. "Your room, is just on your right. It's big—enough." She smiled sweetly.

I nodded my head in response. She was completely enthusiastic, something I craved while alone in this new city. I was nervous, yes, but I tried not to let that emotion take over, or at least show but it could have been to late at this point.  I took every act of kindness I could get.

I began to walk down the short hall, although when I say walk I mean a few steps. Before I could even open the door to my room, my roommate called.

"You don't talk much." She seemed disappointed. I was completely taken back. She got me.

"I'm nervous, if I'm honest, i'll come around, I swear." I laughed. And my accent felt as rich as ever compared to hers.

"You're irish right?" She smirked.

"Yes! How could you tell?" I joked with her, she immediately laughed in response.

I opened the door to my room, for it to reveal an immense amount of light, so much, that I flinched when I opened the door. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed the large, open windows that just about covered nearly all of the back wall. I absolutely adored this room, I was surprised one of the other girls hadn't taken this room instead. There was a bed just in-front of the windows, which was surprisingly nice. I expected a old wooden bed that would break the minute I laid down. A single white, wave patterned wardrobe filled another corner of the room. I sighed with relief. I didn't plan on staying in this place more than I had to after collage, and it wouldn't have helped to have to rent a room and then everything else to go in it.

The campus was practically just down the road. I had came here to America to take a film course, and there is mainly more opportunities here. I had taken a film course back in Ireland, but I hadn't finished it, and thought doing it here could help. My two other roommates were in the same boat, and by same boat I mean film studies.

I rested my suitcase on my bed, deciding to unpack. Half way through, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I replied.

"Hey." My roommate, who I suddenly remembered was named Alissa.

"Hi!" She was just about as preppy as she was a few minutes ago.

"I noticed your room doesn't have much, furniture and I was thinking, if you want, I could show you around a little bit? We could go shopping and grab a bite to eat?" She suggested and I quickly jumped at the opportunity.

"That sounds great." I returned a grateful smile.

"Okay, we'll let me know when you're ready and we'll head off."

"Let me find a nicer, less jet-lag outfit." She nodded and smiled before turning off around the corner.

I harshly rummaged through my suitcase, not caring about greasing anything, just trying to be as quick as I could. I picked out a simple outfit, threw on my jacket and kept the same shoes on. I left my room to see Alissa sitting on the couch, she was scrolling on her phone before she heard me turn the corner. Her face lit up and she stood up to meet me.

"You ready?" She asked, cheerful. I hoped she wasn't putting this act on just to benefit me. Either way I appreciated the effort.

"Yep." I pushed the non-existence dust off my jacket before she lead us towards the door and out into in the street.


"Oh," She quickly pushed down her fork, "I should probably mention that sometimes we have parties, with people in class." She was waiting for my response eagerly.

"That's cool." Was all I could say. I was never a party person but I was open to it.

"Really?" She seemed surprised but that went.

"Yeah, I mean, yeah." I nodded, taking a bite of my food.

"The girls usually bring hot guys." She smirked looking at me for response again.

"American boys." I thought out loud.

"They're probably different to Irish guys?" She questioned. I shrugged in an agreeing way.

"I guess I'll have to find out." I winked at her, making her smile proudly.

Before grabbing a bite to eat, she showed me around the city. We didn't get to far, which I was in no rush to see. I would be here for a while after all. Today was surprisingly sunny, but when I say 'surprisingly', it's because of the horrid whether back home in Ireland compared to here. This weather probably isn't rare here. I was hoping I could adjust to that, and not bring up the whether every ten seconds.

I had managed to get more appropriate clothes for the weather here, all my other clothes were too heavy. I didn't have all the money in the world to spend, so I was careful.

"Elle will be at the apartment, when we get back." We were silently walking down the street, until she spoke.

"I think you too will get on," She squinted away from the sun shining our way, "Well, I hope we all do." She added.

I simply smiled and added , "Me too."


"So, what's Ireland like? I've never been." Elle mentioned, she was eagerly holding her wine glass as if I was about to expose a huge secret.

"Wet." I clicked my tongue, nodding.

They both laughed. "Specific."

"Well, it's different from America from what I can tell." I added, I wasn't sure how to explain it.

"I'm from Dublin, so, I guess it isn't completely unalike to America, being that it's urban. But Ireland is really beautiful when you get to travel around it, it's cultural." I smiled.

Elle seemed satisfied with my answer.

"Any Irish boyfriends we should know of? So we don't get scared by an unexpected Irish man showing up at our door." Alissa spoke.

"You have nothing to worry about then." I looked down.

"Great!" I jerked my head up, she took that the wrong way. "Because like I was telling you," she continues, "there are always hot guys who come to our parties." Alissa smirked and elle laughed.

"Yeah, one of the girls in our class sometimes brings actual actors, her parents have connections—so at least we know who's getting employed after collage." Elle hummed.

"Wait, really?" I was surprised, but didn't expect anyone too famous.

"Yeah, one time Seth Rogen showed up." Never mind.

"Oh my god." I was in utter disbelief but laughed it off.

"I think I'd better get some sleep, classes start in the morning." I stood up, walking to the kitchen and placing my wine glass in the sink.

"Goodnight." They both said in unison before they started to clean up.

"Oh, I can help with that." I turned back, feeling guilty.

"No, oh my god, it's just a few glasses." Elle said. I nodded my head in thankfulness.

I headed off to my room, the moonlight shining through the windows. I completely adored how it looked at night. Although I didn't admire it for long. I fell onto the bed, which I had undressed, to replace with new bedsheets.
Almost immediately falling asleep. Until I was woken up by my alarm.

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