Part twenty-two.

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For a while, it strangely took me time to get used to being with Robert. Although, the first time we were together felt real—I still looked back at it now and considered it to be an act. It was annoying for my brain to keep thinking like that, I wanted it to stop more than anything because I didn't think that to be mad at Robert, I forgave him. It was just I couldn't help play with the truth unwillingly.

The day he arrived in Ireland, he spent the whole day (which wasn't much time) profusely apologising over and over again. I laughed every time before I would beg him to stop, easing his mind each time by telling him I forgave him and he didn't need to keep apologising.

We went back downstairs, to see my mother who seemed to be waiting for us happily. She seemed completely unfazed by everything that it was unnerving. I properly introduced her to Robert. I never said his significance to me just yet. We could both live knowing another person—just for now—didn't know we were together. My mother was always quite welcoming and had no problem accepting Robert with open arms. Although they had met just previously, she seemed to act like she had never met him before.

That night he slept in my childhood room. I felt slightly overwhelmed to the point I couldn't sleep. My bed was not big enough for two people, but we made it work. I stayed still and hoped that Robert would be able to sleep perfectly even though I was slowly tossing and turning. His eyes were closed yet he was awake.

"Are you okay?" He spoke hazily, our bodies brushing against each other.

"Yes, I-i just can't sleep." I confessed.

He peered through one sleepy eye, the other closed. His face looked concerned through a moonlit window. I gave him a soft smile and indicated he should go back asleep, seeing as we were both getting on a flight to America tomorrow.

"How come?" His voice quiet but so concerned.

"I think I'm a bit overwhelmed, and not in a bad way. It's just weird. Like, I can't really believe you are here and that you just met my family." You tried to sound as sincere as possible but it almost sounded like an insult.

"I understand, I know I shouldn't have randomly shown up here without telling you, I'm sorry." I rested a hand to his cheek which was soft and warm.

"Please, stop saying sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound like I was blaming you. It's just really—" I thought for a moment, careful, "Surreal."

"Rob?" I called.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Will you be honest with me when I ask you this?" I folded my lips nervously.

"Depends what you ask." He joked, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Haha, you are so funny." I squeaked, slightly nudging his arm.

"Of course I will." He reiterated.

"Are you worried for when we go back to L.A.? Like are you nervous to see what people might say." Saying this out loud sounded minor.

There would be no reason for people to judge us, however I wouldn't confess that to Robert seeing as he had always been so nervous about that. He took a sharp breathe, like he was about to admit a horrible secret. It made me nervous even if I did ask him to be honest with me.

"No. I know people might say something, but it would be nothing negative but management might be against it. Seeing as I'm meant to be dating Emilia and now I am dating you as well, it would seem a bit odd." He practically whispered in my ear.

"If we have to," I spoke, "We can just keep it on the down-low for now. As long as we can tell our friends then I am happy with that for now." I felt comfortable with that idea, knowing that Robert confessed how he felt, it gave comfort to the situation.

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