part three.

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I crossed my legs and rested on my bed. The music was still on in the background, I had decided to keep more door open, as the girls has specifically instructed for no one to go down the hall unless they needed to use the toilet.

I had an small assignment that was due for class tomorrow, practically today and began writing, I started to grow tired quickly but pushed myself to get it done.

I could slowly hear people starting to leave and the music starting to die down, but by then I was already laid back onto my bed, my eyes closed. I could here mumbled chat here and there. Someone's foot steps began approaching my room, which was first at the hall way.

"Do you mind if I use the toilet before I leave?" A man spoke, I didn't recognise who. I was on the brink of slipping into a sleep-coma.

"Sure, down the end of the hall." Alissa spoke, I could recognise her voice instantly.

After she finished speaking, I heard footsteps cross my door, but they stopped for a second and it seemed as though they put me to sleep.


I woke up hazily, sitting up. and opening my eyes finally, immediately the light hit my eyes and woke me up. I need to remind myself it is never a good idea to party on a Thursday

I was still in my dress and makeup from last night. I reached over to my bedside table, to grab my phone which was blaring my alarm. I was too distracted by hurting to turn the alarm off, I didn't notice a piece of paper beside my phone.

'hey, it's Robert, the weird British guy you talked to last night, i didn't get a chance to say bye, although i hope we can meet again
my number: '

His phone number was neatly written out at the bottom of the page. I was sort of lost for words. He wanted to see me again? Speak to me again? I felt guilty not saying goodbye last night. And maybe I should have listened to the girls.

"Hey, you awa-' Elle stopped at the door watching me fiddle with a note in my hand.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Um, it's from robert, he left it." I kept my eyes on the note, smiling, but my eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait, really?" She squealed loudly and Alissa came running.

"What, what's wrong?" She asked frantically and elle cut in.

"Robert has a crush on Kara, he left her a note." Alissa's eyes widened.

They both ran to my bed, each sitting down right beside me, trying to get a look at what the note says. I moved it away from my chest where I held it in admiration and confusion. Letting them look, they both looked at each other, then to me.

"Oh my god." I was honestly surprised myself now, what did a guy like him see in me. As well as not being very enthusiastic last night.

I hoped maybe I could change his ridged opinion about me. "Call him later." Elle suggested. I nodded.

"Oh wow, I cannot believe you get a guy like that on your second day here, I'm so jealous." Alissa nodded her head to what Elle said, before the both left.


I told Maya about the note, assuming she would drag it out of me sooner or later, if she got any hints about it from elle or alissa.

"I told you. He was looking at you all night." She rolled her eyes before remembering something.

"He asked me where you went, last night." She added, trying to make this situation more hopeful.

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