part two.

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Class was simple, and easy paced. I was worried that it would be different but it wasn't at all. I was already comfortably settling in, even though it was the first day.

"Hey, you're Kara right?" A girl's voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to face a beautiful girl, with the brightest red hair.

"Yeah, how did you know?" But I had guessed it was from Elle and Alissa.

"Elle and Alissa, they were telling me they were getting a new roommate." She smiled, she began to walk with me up the steps to leave the lecture hall.

"Well, that's me then." I awkwardly said.

"You're from Ireland? I love your accent." She sweetly spoke, her accent wasn't as strong as anyone I had talked to so far.

"Yeah, thank you, I love your hair." I responded, she smiled kindly.

"Thanks, so I'm guessing Elle and Alissa told you about the parties right?" She bit her lip.

"Yes, wasn't something I was expecting but I don't mind too much, does it happen often though?" I wondered why I didn't ask alissa that when she mentioned it.

"Eh, not really, maybe once or twice a month, they're actually having one tonight—start of the year party."

"Wow a party for everything." I laughed.

"Yep, they're crazy. I hope to see you tonight?" She asked, about to walk away.

"Yeah, I'll be there." I nodded before she smiled and walked away.

I easily spotted Elle from across the road at campus. She spotted me too, waving for me to follow in her direction. I looked before crossing to greet her.

"Hey." I simply spoke. She seemed enthusiastic.

"Hi, so, how was class?" She seemed nervous for my answer, in a good way.

"Good, actually, I was nervous I wouldn't get anything but it's not too different at all, and I think I might have made a friend." The sun was shining as bright as ever, the black clothes i chose for today only increasing the already hot air.

"Oh, who?" Then I realised I didn't even get her name.

"Shit." I sort of huffed-laughed, "I didn't get her name, she knows you and alissa though, pretty with red hair." Her eyes lit up.

"Maya." She responded.

"She mentioned the party tonight." We were approaching the apartment building, I hadn't realise how short of a walk it was from campus to here.

"Alissa didn't tell you?" She asked.

"Well she told me you guys have parties sometimes, but I didn't know there was one tonight." She was unlocking the door.

"Oh, sorry." She sweetly apologised, "We can cancel if-" I cut her off.

"No, no, I don't mind at all, I just didn't know that's all." I reassured her.

"You two are awfully sweet to me, I feel like an inconvenience." I joked. She looked shocked.

"No way! We love having you here, even if it's just been one day, I know that we'll get on this year."

"You'll come out tonight though, right?" She asked, walking towards her room.

"Y-yeah of course." I sort of thought about it for a second. I had nothing to lose. Also I couldn't avoid it.

I was honestly expecting there to be a drunk collage kid running into my room thinking it's the bathroom, and before it's too late, he pukes everywhere. She went to her room and gave me a excited smile before closing the door. Only a few seconds later, music began coming from her room. I heard the door unlock behind me to watch Alissa gracefully walk in.

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