🌸General headconns🌸

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Having black eyes is a sign of death

Poland, Vatican and Israel are classified as angels but UN is not

EU is the child of Germany and france.

Deceased countries can come to the over world for a period of time. How long that peroid is depends on who the coutry is and what they did when they were alive.

UN is highkey in love with Nato but doesnt say anything about it.

The African Union is dating Nato's little bro CAI

CAI is low key feared by other countries

Countries and organizations can have human names

Its a crime to fuck and or date a human

Males can get pregnant (so practice safe sex kids)

Russia is USSR'S only biological child, the rest are adopted/ stolen.

Germany hates his entire family, except his twin of course.

Argentina and Britain still are salty about the Falklands.

Britain is low key into tentacle porn (thanks japan)

Israel and America were once a thing, and America got him pregnant.

Italy totally doesn't run a gang

Liberia is one of America's children and they used to have a great relationship. But now he never talks to him and avoids Ame at all costs

Japan has an older brother (Jay) who hates everyone :D

France and Britain argue about politics alot.

Germany was once in love with france and they even got married.

EU is done with all your shit.

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