🌌Germany x Poland🌌

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Germany came home around 12:30pm . He was planning on doing some more work until atleast 3 am. He wiped his feet on the welcome mat and took off his coat.

As he walked further into th house, he could hear the television on. It was clearly the news and he could tell they were ranting about something. Unfortunately, right now he was too tried to care. He walked into the living room and servyed his surroundings.

Other then light coming off the tv, the room was pitch black. Behind the slightly illuminated couch and person sitting on it were two dogs. Sleeping without a care in the world. He stepped a bit closer to see who was on his couch at this hour.

He didnt know what he was expecting, of course it would be Poland. Him and poland had been dating for about a year now, and every wednesday he would find him like this. He did feel a bit bad, he worked alot way more then he should.  There were days were he would listen in to poland covertions with Hungary. Poland would go on and on about how loney he is. It hurt alot.

Lucky for him, he had taken the next few days off. He was going to make it up to Poland, even if it killed him. He made his way around to the front of the couch. Took him a bit to find the remote.

After switching the tv off, Germany placed the remote on the coffee table. He looked at Poland and a soft blush spread across his cheeks. Poland had always looked cute when he slept. He kissed polands cheek before picking him up. He carefully carryed his lover upstairs and into their bedroom.

Germany pulled back the sheets of the bed then placed Poland down. He was going to change out of his work clothes, but before he could he found himself being pulled down bye a very tired poland.

"kurwa, nie… zostań ze mną-" poland mumbled. He held onto Germany and kisses his nose. Germany smiled softly and kicked off his shoes atleast. He laid beside Poland and grabbed the covers. He pulled them up, covering them both.

They both fell asleep, cuddling.


Germany growled loudly as he rolled over and slamed his hand into the sonzze button. He rested his eyes for a bit before fully opening them.

The bed was empty, except for him and a couple of Poland's feathers. He grabbed one that was sitting on the pillow and began to play with it.

He ran his pointed finger over the vane, it was soft. He could hear the sound of pots clanging together and dogs lightly barking.

He arose from the comfort of the warm sheets and blanket. He stretches out his arms and let out a large yawn. Poland getting up before him wasn't unusual but it was rare.

He tread from their bedroom and down the stairs. Half way it hit him, the mouth watering smell of eggs and meat. He always loved it when poland cooked. His stomach growled in hunger.

He rushed down the rest of the stairs and was immediately greeted by his german shepered mix, Axel.

"Goodmorning boy." He lightly pet the panting and excited Axel. The dog respond with a bark before being called in the kitchen for his breakfast. Germany followed.

Poland had just placed down Axels bowl before turning to him and smiling softly. "Goodmorning Mamcy."

He felt a soft blush spread across his cheeks as his heart fluttered. He couldn't help but react this way, Polands smile was always so brilliant. "Morning~"

He walked over to his lover, gave him a small hug and planted a kiss on his right cheek. Poland giggled. "Breakfast is alomst ready- did you sleep well?" 

Poland wrapped his arms around his neck. He smiled and did the same to his waist. "Yes I did, I always sleep well next to you" he flirted and poland blushed slightly. The winged man slid out of his arms, much to his displeasure, and went to tend to the food.

Poland wasn't one for flirting, he rarely ever did it at all. Despite this, Germany could tell he liked it, even if he felt embarrassed. He opened a cabinet and brought out some plates.

"That smells wonderful Poland. " he could feel his stomach growl again.

"Just wait until you taste it!" Poland exclaimed grabbing one of the plates Germany just set down and placing food onto it. After wards he grabbed a piece of mutigrain bread and spread some quark cheese mixed with radishes on top. One of his favorites. He then handed it to Germany with a grin.

Germany smiled and took the plate. The intoxicating sent of freshly cooked eggs, bacon, and polish sausage making his stomach growl even louder. He made his way to the table and sat. He wouldn't start eating yet, not until Poland sat with him

To his luck, Paoland made his way to the table shortly after him. A happy smile on his face and feathers falling behind him. He sat next to Germany and pinched his cheek. "You don't have to wait for me you know! You could have started eating-"

Germany chuckles as his cheek got squished in-between his soft fingers. "Heh I don't like eating without you~"

Poland blushed once more and puffed his cheek. "Well now I'm here so eat."

Germany carefully cut a part of his eggs and began to eat. Wonderful flavors blessed his mouth as he bit into the toast. he savored and enjoyed his meal with a smile.

Poland chuckled watching. He knew Germany loved his food but I just felt different seeing him scraf it down like that. He turned his attention out the window, two love birds had build a nest on the sill. There they sat softy Twitting, basing in the warmth of the sun and nuzzling eachother. He smiled, his mind failing with thoughts of him and Germany doing the same.

"Im taking the next few days off" Germany wiped his mouth witg a napkin.

"Hm? Really?" He took and napkin and gently wiped the spots he missed.

"Yup! And I promise you, we'll spend every moment together~"

Poland send Germany shared a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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