Chapter 10

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"C'mon babe, it'll be great!" I cried as Nicole shook her head about my idea. "No! You know I'm not exactly the partying type!" she said as she tapped away on her phone. We were sitting in her living room, bored, and I thought that it would be fun for us to go to that new bar that just opened in town.

"But Matt and his band got a gig there! They'll only be playing a few songs, but-"

"You know I don't like Matt! he is super annoying! And I think he has eyes for me!"

"Well, he should, because, babe, you're pretty dam hot."

She didn't say anything after that. Her face was red from either frustration or embarrassment; I'm not sure which one. "Okay, I guess I'll go," she muttered to me. "Let me put on something." ***

She emerged out of her bedroom a few minutes later wearing a short dress and high heels. I whistled loudly. "If Matt puts his hands on me in any way when we go, I'm leaving," she stated, sashaying towards the door.

"He won't, but I know I will!" I smacked her lightly on her butt. Nicole spun around.

"Watch your hands, mister." she said, tsk-tsking.

"I was," I said, grinning. She responded by rolling her eyes and led me out of the door, locking it behind us. "Do you wanna go in the truck or my car?"

"My truck. When I step out of that thing, people run in fear." She chuckled at my idea of a joke. I helped her climb in. I walked towards the drivers side and cranked up the Chevy. "Ready. Set. Let's roll." I decided to rev the engine. I don't know why. Nicole smiled. I felt my heart pound as she began to lean closer to me. In a panic I backed down the drive quickly, causing her to fly back into her seat. The expression on her face was shock and confusion. "Why did you do that?" she said.

"I don't know. I guess-"

"It's alright. Let's go and have fun while we've got the chance." I nodded and made my way to the Bullrider Saloon.
When we pulled in, I glanced a look at Nicole. The ends of her hair were curled, and that light blue dress looked stunning on her. She opened her door and was about to get out if the truck when I said-
"You're gonna need my help to get out of the truck in that dress." She sighed and nodded. I stepped out and held her hand as she got out of the truck. Her beautiful cornflower blue eyes were locked on me intently. She grabbed my hand as we made our way up the gravel drive to the entrance of the saloon.

When we got our drinks and we were seated, Matt and his band came on stage. My bladder hit me full force as I realized that I had to pee. "I'll be right back," I said as I hopped off the stool. I walked in and found an empty stall. I could hear someone vomiting in the stall beside me as I relived myself. I flushed it and washed my hands. Before I walked out I bumped into someone. That someone was Wyatt, the drummer for Matt's band. "Dude, you better get out there, because some guy is flirting with Nicole."

I was sitting on the stool at the bar when a man sat down beside me. He grabbed Jacks beer and gulped it down. "Now I haven't seen you around here before, little lady," he said as he wrapped a cold hand around my waist.

"Keep your slimy hands off me, you pervert." I stated boldly. His dark brown eyes narrowed.
I felt pain as his hand made contact with my face. It was with such force that my head snapped to the side. People were muttering all around me about the scene that was unfolding around them. Hot tears made their way to my eyes. I felt one slowly run down my face. "Don't cry, girl," he said, a grin on his face. "Everything will be alright." He leaned in, his nasty smelling breath washing over me. I shoved him back. His left hand touched my chest. I gasped in shock and slapped him on the cheek as hard as I could. His hand reached up to his face. He gritted his teeth and he was about to punch me when Jack walked out of the bathroom.

I stormed out of the bathroom and saw a man that was sitting in my seat. He was about to punch Nicole in the face. I felt rage coarse through my veins. I puffed up my chest, ready to take on whatever he had in store for me. I heard 'Jealous' by Nick Jonas start to play over the jukebox. How convenient. As soon as I got to where Nicole was, I yanked the dude off of the stool, causing it to land on the ground. He cried out as his head hit the wooden floor with a loud thud. "Who are you?" he said.

"The boyfriend," I said, pointing to Nicole, "And you're fun is only beginning." I punched him in the face. He moaned in pain. I punched him repeatedly, causing blood to trickle from his nose. I was finished with him in about a minute. I left his body in a crumpled heap, hoping that maybe someone who isn't wasted will help him. "Let's go," I said to a now shaken Nicole. She nodded. I saw that her eyes were bright from tears. "H-he groped me." she said as we got in my truck. It was dark outside. She sobbed loudly and laid her head on the console. I stroked her pretty face as tears made their way down her cheeks. "It's gonna be alright," I said as she continued to sob, 'Its gonna be alright."

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