Chapter 12

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The realtor called back last night saying that Nicole and I could come and look at the apartment. It was a unusually low price for a 3 bedroom , 2 bathroom apartment. I guess they just wanted it to sell quickly. I'm not too sure. I decided that the best time to call Nicole and tell her about it was NOW. I dialed her number on my cell and waited for her to pick up.


"Hello?" I said to Jack when I picked up the phone.

"Hey. The realtor called me back and said that we could look at the house this afternoon. Sound good to you?"

"OMG that's great! I'm so glad she called you back. I'll be over in.... what time did she say for us to come?"

"Uh....I think it was 1:30... yeah, it was."

"Well, it's 11:45 now so Ill come by your house at 12:00 and we could go check it out, alright?"

"Alright. See you then, love you!"

"Love you, too.".

I hung up. I need to start getting ready so we can go.


When I got to Jacks house, he was already waiting on me in his truck. "Sorry I'm late," I said as I climbed in. "No problem." He gave me a warm smile. We pulled down his driveway. "Where is the apartment, anyways?" I asked.

"About an hour from here."



I dug in my pocket for my phone. "Got any earbuds?" I asked. "I left mine at home."

"I don't think so. Check the console."
I rummaged through it, with no luck. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and tried to find something on the radio. "Whoa right there." Jack said as the dial stopped on 103.7. The song ended as soon as we got to the apartment. It was even more beautiful in person. The realtor stood in front of the little complex. I squealed with delight and ran to the front door. I looked back to see Jack rolling his eyes. But he had a smile on his face. "Well, I suppose that you two are a couple, right?" the realtor said. Her blonde hair whipped in the breeze. She was wearing a green pantsuit with black heels. Jack and I nodded. "Let's take a look, shall we?" she said, opening the door. We walked up a flight of stairs and stopped in front of Apartment 25. She took out a key and opened the apartment door. I gasped when I saw how beautiful it really was. It had a dark mahogany floor. There was no furniture, though. "Its amazing," I said, my eyes wide from how beautiful it was. We walked first into the kitchen. It had a white tile floor and the stove area had pots and pans hanging from a rack. I stared in awe as we walked around the house.

When we got to see every room, the realtor realized that there was one more room: the master bedroom. When we walked in, it was the only room that had some furniture. It had a kingsize bed and a desk in front of a window. "How about we try out this bed later," Jack whispered, his hot breath on my ear. I giggled and slapped him playfully on the arm, surprised that he would even bring up that subject. "So... do you guys want-"
We'll take it," Jack said, interrupting the realtor. "Okay," she said, sighing, "You got the money?"

"Yup." Jack pulled out a stack of hundreds and put it in the realtors hand. "This will cover a years worth of rent." She shook both our hands and walked out the door, on her way downstairs. We were alone. "About the bed...." Jack started. Before i could protest, he pushed me down playfully and laid on top me, kissing me hungrily. After a moment of making out, I shimmied out from under him. What's wrong, babe?" he said, grinning. "I thought you liked it!"

"I did, but not right in here."

"What do you mean?" he asked, clearly confused.

"What if they have cameras around? That would be so awkward if they contacted us about what we were doing!"

"Well, we weren't being sexual in any way. And plus, I doubt that they would have any cameras around. It's illegal."

"Yeah... let's just go." I walked out of the room awkwardly. I walked to the door and down the stairs with Jack following behind me. We got to his truck and I climbed in. When Jack pulled down the driveway, the last thing I saw was the apartment through the rearview mirror.

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