Chapter 6

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***Emma pov***

Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz I wake up to my phone buzzing. Someone must be calling me. I turn over to look at the time. It says it is 11:30 am. Oh no Bonnie was supposed to be here at eleven. I over slept. I pick up my phone and sure enough I have six missed texts and four missed calls. I slip out of bed so I don't wake Belle, and then I head out of my bedroom. I call Bonnie as soon as I close the door to my bedroom. Bonnie answers on the second ring.

B- Finally decided to wake up did you?

E- I'm so sorry we didn't get home until after midnight, and I forgot to set an alarm.

B- It's okay I realized that you were still asleep and I have been in my car with the heat on.

E- You can come on in I'm opening the door now.

She hangs up and comes walking up the front pathway to the front door. She has a large pink bag in one hand. That must be what she brought for Belle. "Emma!" Bonnie exclaims. "Bonnie it's so nice to see you it's been forever." I reply. We give each other a quick hug. I shut the front door and then Bonnie says sarcastically, "Wow you look so amazing." I look at what I'm wearing. I'm in my pyjamas barefooted and my hair is in a messy ponytail. "Thank you. I really did try my best." I reply sarcastically. "Is Belle still asleep?" Bonnie asks as she takes off her coat and puts it in the closet. "Yeah I was too until about ten minutes ago. I will go wake her up. Make yourself comfortable. You know where I keep the food." I say as I head back up the stairs to go wake up Belle. "I'll go make coffee." Bonnie says as she heads to my kitchen. Okay walk back to my bedroom and go over to Belle's side of the bed. "Belle it's time to wake up. Aunt Bonnie is already here." I say. I shake her a little and then she opens up her eyes. "What time is it?" Belle mumbles sleepily. "It's eleven forty two." I reply. As she sits up she asks, "Aunt Bonnie is here already?" "Yeah she was supposed to get here at eleven but I overslept and I just let in the house. She is very excited to meet you." I tell Belle. "Can I go meet her?" Belle asks. "If you get out of bed you can." I reply. Belle pushes back the covers, and then opens her arms signalling she wants me to pick her up. I pick her up and place her on my hip as I walk downstairs Belle buries her head into my shoulder. "Come on we have a long exciting day. You can't go back to sleep now." I tell her. When I reach the kitchen Bonnie has already started to make coffee, and she has turned on the TV in the kitchen to some morning talk show. "She is still tired." I tell Bonnie. She comes over to Belle and I and she rubs Belle's back. "Hello sweetheart I'm Aunt Bonnie." Bonnie says really sweetly to Belle. Belle just tries to bury her head closer to me. "I'm sorry she is being so shy." I say to Bonnie. "It's no problem." She replies. "Belle there is no need to be so shy. Aunt Bonnie is soo nice, and she already adores you." I tell Belle calmly. "But mummy Ginny is my favourite character, and so Bonnie was one of my favourite actresses so there is much need to be shy." Belle mumbles into me. Bonnie is just smiling at that comment. I set Belle on the kitchen island and attempt to get her to let go of me. She does and now Belle is sitting up on the counter looking at Bonnie and I. "Hi I'm Belle." Belle says softly. "Hello Belle as I said I'm Aunt Bonnie. I brought you a present. Would you like to open it?" Bonnie says to Belle. Belle nods and then Bonnie picks up a big pink present bag off a chair. She hands the present to Belle, and then Belle starts to open it. There is a light pink tutu, a white shirt that says "when mommy says no auntie says yes" on it in pink, a pair of white leggings, a pair of light pink uggs, a light pink bow, and a pair of sunglasses. Belle smiles and then says, "Thank you Aunt Bonnie." "Your very welcome." Bonnie replies. Then they hug and Belle asks excitedly, "Can I wear this outfit today? Pretty pretty please." "Of course you can wear it today. Do you want to go get ready and then go out for some brunch before we go shopping?" I reply. "That sounds good. Do you want me to help Belle get ready so you can get ready?" Bonnie replies. "That would be awesome. Belle is it okay if Aunt Bonnie helps you get dressed while I go get ready?" I say. "Yeah it's fine with me." Belle tells me. Then I head upstairs to go get ready.

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