Chapter 2

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***Belle pov***

            Mum is on the phone with someone. I don't know who it is but mum is telling her about me. When mum hangs up I ask, "Who was that?" "It was my friend Bonnie, or I guess you can call her Aunt Bonnie. " Mum replies. "Wait is that the actress who plays Ginny?" I ask excitedly because Ginny is my absolute favourite Harry Potter character. "Yes, and she is very excited to meet you. We are going to go shopping with her on Tuesday." Mum says. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" I reply excitedly. "Well I'm glad. She is very nice, and is one of my best friends." Mum says. Then we find a parking space and mum parks the car. We get out and then mum says, "The cafe we are going to for lunch is just another block away." "Okay" I reply and then we walk hand in hand to the cafe.

            We sit down in a booth and then a waitress comes over. "Hi my name is Casey and I will be serving you this afternoon. Can I start you off with some drinks?" The waitress says. "Yes can I please have a coffee and a water."Mum says. "Can I have a lemonade." I say. "I'll go get those." The waitress says as she walks away. "Do you think you are going to get recognized while we are out? I'm surprised no one has recognized you yet." I tell mum. "Yeah it just depends on where we go. Some days I get recognized other days I don't. So what will you be eating?" Mum asks. "Umm I think chicken fingers. What are you going to have?" I reply. "I think I'm going to have the grilled chicken salad." Mum says. "I don't like salad." I say. "Oh that's an important thing I didn't ask. What foods do you not like?" Mum asks. "Salad, cheddar cheese, broccoli, and I hate orange juice. I'll eat oranges but absolutely no orange juice." I tell mum. "That's interesting that you like oranges but not orange juice." Mum says. Then the waitress comes back with our drinks. She puts our drinks down on our table and then asks, "Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" "I think we are ready to order. I will have the grilled chicken salad and she will have the kids chicken fingers." Mum says. "Okay I'll go put your orders in." The waitress says and then she walks away. "Have you gone to school before or what did you do at the orphanage?" Mum asks me. "We had classes in the orphanage. All of the kids my age would go at a certain time to the meeting room and then we would learn a bit and then get worksheets to do." I reply. "Okay well all of the kids in schools are in the middle of a school year and so I think maybe I will home school you and then next September we can decide what you are going to do." Mum says. "That sounds good." I reply with a smile. "So do you have a favourite singer or did you not get listen to music at the orphanage?" Mummy asks.  "Each age group had two computers and I would listen to music on them so my absolute favourite singer is Taylor Swift. I love her new album. I listened to it on you tube." I tell mum. "Oh I've met Taylor a few times she is a very nice lady." Mum says. "So who is your best friend?" I ask mummy. "I have a lot of friends but I'm not sure if I have a best friend." Mum says. "Then who are some of your friends?" I ask. "Dan, Rupert, Bonnie, Tom, and Jennifer are a few of them but I also have others." Mum explains. Then the waitress comes back with our food. She places out food in front of us and then asks, "Does everything look okay?" "I think so." Mum replies. "Just let me know of you need anything." The waitress says. "Okay thank you." Mummy says. I start eating my chicken fingers. They are so good! "Is your food good?" Mum asks. "Yes it is the best food I've ever eaten!" I tell mum excitedly. It is true the food at the orphanage was nothing compared to this. "I'm glad you are enjoying it so much." Mum says while laughing a little. We finish up our food and then mum pays the bill. "Ready to go, Belle?" Mum asks. "Yes." I reply then I zip up my jacket and we head out of the cafe into the busy New York streets. After about two minutes of walking with mummy a bunch of scary men with flashing cameras surround us. "Hey Emma who do you have with you today?" One scary man asks mum. "Little girl who are you?" another asks me as he flashes his camera. I tighten the grip I have on mum's hand and start crying. Mum notices me crying and picks me up and places me on her hip. "Shh it's okay I won't let them hurt to you." Mum whispers to me.  "Excuse me I need to get through." Mum says politely to all of the scary men. I start crying harder because the men keep taking pictures and saying things and they look really scary. Finally mum reaches the car and she quickly puts me in the backseat and buckles me up and then gets in the car herself and starts to drive away from the flashing cameras. "I'm so sorry that happened Belle." Mum says apologetically. I still cry because I'm in such shock and so scared. "Shh it's okay sweetheart." Mum says in a soothing  voice. She glances at me in the mirror, and then she parks in the next open parking space. She gets out of her seat and then climbs in the back with me. She unbuckles me and engulfs me in a hug. Mum strokes my hair and whispers, "Shh they are gone Belle. Shh it's okay. Shh it's okay." This clams me down a bit and then I manage to say between sobs, "The men... were... just... so big." Then I bury my face in mum again and we sit there for a few more minutes as mummy keeps telling me things like it's okay and they are gone. I know they are gone, but the men with the cameras just scared me so much it's hard to calm down. Eventually I stop crying and then mum says, " I'm so sorry Belle. I didn't know that they would scare you that badly. I promise that they won't hurt you. They just want pictures and since they haven't seen you before they wanted us to answer their questions." Mum explains is a hushed voice. "It's fine mum. It's just that I've only left the orphanage like twice and so the big crowd just scared me, but I'm okay now." I tell her. "Okay how about we head home." Mum says. "Okay." I reply. Mum gets back into the front seat and then we start to drive home. When we get to the apartment building mum drives up to the front and then gets out. Then, she unbuckles me and I step out of the car. Mum opens up the trunk and get the shopping bags. Then the man standing outside the building goes and parks the car as mum and I walk inside.

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