Chapter 5

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***Belle pov***

         I wake up in a strange bed. Then I remember all of the events that happened yesterday. "Good morning Belle." mum says. "Morning mummy." I reply sleepily. "We have to get up and get ready. It is 7:30 now and our flight leaves at 9:15, so we have to get ready and get to the airport." Mummy tells me. "But I don't want to wake up and get out of bed. It is so warm and snuggily in the bed with you." I reply.  "Don't you want to go and see England?" Mum asks. "Of course I do but I am scared that the plane will crash in the middle of the ocean and we will die." I tell mum. I am really scared of this whole flying over a huge ocean thing. "It will be okay. I promise you that flying is perfectly safe." Mum says as she rubs my back. "Okay then I guess we better get up." I say as I sit up. Mum then gets out of bed and says, "I am going to need to take a shower, so do you want me to get you some breakfast before I get in?" "Yes please." I reply. We walk out to the kitchen and I sit at the counter on a stool. "What do you want for breakfast?" Mummy asks me. "I don't know, whatever is fine." I reply. Mum gets out a ceramic bowl, and some cereal. Then she pours the cereal into the bowl and puts some blueberries on top. "Here is granola with blueberries on top. Would you like me to put milk in it?" Mum says as she sets the bowl in front of me. "No thanks this is good." I reply. "Well I'm going to take a shower. Yell if you need me." Mum says as she walks to her bedroom. I eat my breakfast enjoying how quiet it is in the apartment. It was never quiet at the orphanage, but it is very peaceful when it is quiet. I finish my breakfast, and then put my dishes by the sink. Then, I walk over to the living room, and I turn on the TV. I change it to Disney channel and I start watching the Good Luck Charlie Christmas movie. I watch it for while, and then Mum comes out. Mummy is dressed in a pair of jeans and a creme loose shirt. "Are you all done with breakfast?" Mum asks me. "Yeah I put my dishes by the sink." I reply. "Okay, it's 8:15, so we have to get going. Let's go get you dressed." Mummy says. We walk to my bedroom where my clothes are. I get dressed in a navy dress, heart tight, and my tan bow uggs. Then mum brushes my hair and puts it into pigtails. "Do we need to take my other clothes to England with us?" I ask mummy. "No we are going to go shopping later for some more clothes. You will keep clothes at our England house, and you keep different clothes here so we don't have to move our clothes from place to place." Mum explains. "Oh okay." I reply. "We better get going, or we are going to late." Mummy says. Mum puts on her coat and a plaid scarf. I put on my northface jacket, and then we head out of the apartment.


       "This is really cool." I say to mum. We are on the airplane about to take off. The airport was really busy and I did not like it, but I think the plane ride is going to be fun. "Well we are going to be on the plane for close to eight hours so I'm glad you find it so interesting." Mum replies. "We are going to be on the plane for eight hours?!?" I ask sounding shocked. "Yeah. We are flying into the London airport, and that is across the Atlantic ocean." Mummy tells me. "What are we going to do for that long?" I ask. I did not know the plane ride was going to be that long. I thought it would only take an hour. "Well you can watch movies or we can look out the window or talk. I'm sorry i didn't think to bring anything." Mum replies. "It's okay. What time will it be when we land?" I ask. "It's going to be ten at night in London, and we have about an hour and a half drive to our house. So by the time we get home it will be around midnight, and hopefully you will be tired. Don't sleep on the plane ride so you will sleep tonight." Mum explains. "So we are going to be on the plane all day?" I ask shocked. "Yeah we are going to be on the plane all day." Mum says copying me.  Then the flight attendant comes and tells us that we are about to take off so we need to put on our seatbelts and turn off electronic devices. Mum puts her iPhone on airplane mode and then pulls out a pack of gum from her purse. "Can I have a piece?" I ask. "No I'm going to have a piece of gum and you can definitely not have a piece." Mum says sarcastically. I give her a fake shocked look and then mum says, "Take a piece. When we take off your ears pop, but chewing gum helps." I take a piece and then we start to move. I look over to mum and give her a smile. Then I stare out the window. We move faster and faster and finally we lift off the ground. I look over to mum again and say, "This is soo cool!" I quickly look back. out the window so I don't miss anything. The ground is getting farther and farther away, and the buildings is getting smaller and smaller. "Say goodbye to New York Belle." Mum says. "Bye New York." I say still looking out the window. Then we stop ascending. "Mummy this is so amazing!" I say. Then I realize she has her phone out pointed at me. "Hey are you recording me?" I ask mummy. "How could I not record you? You are just so cute." Mum replies. Then the flight attendant announces that we can take off our seat belts and turn back on all electronics. "What are we supposed to do now?" I ask. "We sit here. Do you want me to put on a movie for you?" Mum says. "Yes please." I reply. I cannot imagine just sitting here for eight hours. "Do you want to watch Frozen?" Mummy asks me. "Sure." I reply. Then mum messes with the TV screen on the chair in front of me. "Here you go." Mum says handing me some headphones. I put them on and Frozen starts to play.

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