Chapter 8 part 1

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***Emma pov***

             It is already Friday and there is so much to do. Tomorrow is the Christmas party, Sunday is Christmas eve, and then Monday is Christmas. I have to get everything ready for the party tomorrow and then I still need to get Belle her Christmas presents. Yesterday after meeting Jo, Belle and I decorated her room. The furniture was delivered  and we put all of her clothes in her closet. Today, Matthew is flying in this afternoon and we are going to decorate the Christmas tree in the living room. Right now it's 10:00a.m. and I have a long day ahead of me.

      I get out of bed and start to head down to the kitchen. As I am walking to the stairs I smell bacon and coffee. I didn't think I have anyone working for me today. I hurry down the steps and when I reach the kitchen I find Matthew cooking at the stove. "Matthew I didn't think your flight was until later." I say as I walk over to him.

"I took an earlier flight I wanted to surprise you." He replies as he turns away from cooking and wraps me in his arms.

"I missed you so much." I tell him as we stand there hugging.

"I missed you too." Matt replies them he goes back to cooking so the bacon doesn't burn. "So what do we have to do today? I am guessing that there is a lot to do."

"We have to decorate the tree in the living room, buy Belle's presents, and start to get everything ready for tomorrow. The party doesn't start until 8:00p.m. tomorrow though so we don't have to be totally ready today." I tell him. Gosh there is so much to do and right now I'm feeling pretty stressed.

"Okay. We will be able to get that done. Don't worry about it. I can already see that you are getting stressed. We got this Emma." Matt says as he opens a cabinet to grab a plate and then gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. Then he puts some bacon on the plate he just got out.

"Its just a lot to do, and we have to also take care of Belle. Which she is a pretty easy kid but we aren't used to taking care of a nine year old and we have a lot more responsibilities now but I'm used to being responsible but now I also have to be responsible for Belle along with the public so now..." Matthew cuts me off with a kiss. I guess I was going on for to long. Matt sits me up on the counter and he stands between my legs as we kiss. I run out of breath and break away. I rest my forehead on his and I say jokingly, "You could of just told me to stop talking."

"Awe but that isn't as much fun. And breakfast is ready." Matt says.

"I should go wake up Belle." I say as I head for the stairs. As I step out of the kitchen my phone rings. "Can you answer that Matt I'll be right down." He says okay and I head upstairs to Belle's room.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty time to get up. We have a surprise visitor downstairs and I'm pretty sure you want to wake up and go see who is in the kitchen." I tell her as I open the curtains and then go sit on the edge of the bed.

"Mummy I want to sleep." Belle whines.

"But Belle we get to decorate the Christmas tree today. And I'm pretty sure you want to go see who's downstairs." I say.

"But I want to stay in bed and snuggle" Belle says.

"Okay come on Belle let's go downstairs. I'll carry you." I tell Belle and then I pick her up. She puts her head into the crook of my neck.

"Mummy I'm cold." Belle says.

"You are wearing your red and green polka dot footie pyjamas. I would think those would be pretty warm. And I'll make you some hot chocolate if you want." I say. We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Matthew is still on the phone. I wonder who it is.

"Emma it's your agent Fred. He needs to talk to you immediately." Matt tells me.

"Here take Belle. She is cold and wants to snuggle." I say to Matt. "Belle I have an emergency phone call I'm going to give you to Matt. He was our surprise visitor." I take the phone from Matt and walk into my office. This must be important if Fred called this close to Christmas.

E- Hello this is Emma

F- Hello Emma. I'm sorry to call so close to Christmas but I just got a call from Bill Condon, the director of Beauty and the Beast, and he wants you to call him as soon as you can.

E- Okay thank you I'll call him right now.

F- I just faxed over his number.

E- Okay thank you

F- Happy Christmas bye

E- Happy change bye

Oh my gosh! This is huge. You almost never have to directly call the director. I look over at the fax machine and sure enough the piece of paper with phone number. I type the number into my phone and then take a deep breath. This phone call could be the difference in me getting this part or not. I really want this part as Belle, and I think my Belle would love to see me play this part. I then tap the screen to call. He picks up on the second ring.

B- Hello this is Bill Condon. Who is calling?

E- Hello this is Emma Watson. I just got a call from my agent Fred Lee and he said you wanted to speak with me.

B- Yes. I saw your audition and everyone on my casting team loved it. I agree with them and we think you would be the perfect Belle. Would you like to be our Belle?

E- I would love to.

B- Great! We need to set up a date for you to come in and sign contracts in my office in LA

E- Okay. Would it be possible if we could set the date for after Christmas. I just adopted a daughter and we are over in the U.K. for Christmas.

B- That would be fine. Whenever works for you and I can just call you agent back to set up the meeting.

E- That is great. Thank you so much for choosing me to be Belle I am true honoured.

B- You will be an amazing Belle. Merry Christmas

E- Merry Christmas bye

I can not believe I got the part! How is Belle going to deal with me having to work?

Hey guys. I know the ending to this is bad but I needed to post something. The past two weeks I have been sick and flooded with school work. The good thing is I have five and a half days left and then summer! I will finish this chapter soon I just wanted to get something out now. Thank you again for all the nice comments. I have to go finish my homework now.

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