Chapter 3

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a/n before you read this I am warning you that I made some stuff about Matthew Janney up because I couldn't find a lot about him on the internet, sorry.

***Emma pov***

         I get up and walk over to the door. When I open it I see Matthew standing there. "Matt!" I exclaim as he engulfs me in a hug. I forgot how good it feels to be in his arms. He gives me a light kiss on the top of my head and whispers in my ear, "I missed you soo much." "I missed you more." I whisper back. Then we break apart. For a second I forgot that Belle was in the next room. "Come on in. I think you have someone to meet." I say to Matt. We step inside the apartment and he follows me to the living area where Belle is. Belle is sitting on the couch very shyly. Matt gets down on his knees in front of Belle so he is about her height. "Hello my name is Matthew." Matt tells Belle. "I'm Belle." Belle says very quietly. "It's so nice to meet you." Matt says sweetly. Aww this is soo sweet how Matthew is acting with Belle. "Come on Belle no reason to be shy it's just Matthew." I say as I go sit down next to her. Once I sit down she crawls into my lap and buries her head into me. Matthew gives me a concerned look, and I give him back a reassuring one to tell him it's okay. Matt joins me on the couch as I rub circles around Belle's back and whisper softly, "Come on baby girl it's just Matthew. There is nothing to be afraid of." "I'm not scared of him mum I'm scared that he won't like me." Belle says back loud enough for Matt to hear. She isn't crying but she is close to it. "Belle I've known you for two minutes and I already know I'm going to love you." Matthew says sweetly to Belle as he takes over rubbing her back. "Really?" Belle asks as she sits up. "I'm positive." Matt says. Belle gives him a hug and then says, "I think I'm going to like you too." "So aren't you supposed to be in Brazil at a rugby game?" I ask. "I had one this morning at seven, and I have another one tonight at nine. I had to come see my favourite girls in my extra time." Matt replies. "What's rugby?" Belle asks. "It's a sport similar to football." Matt replies. "Cool." Belle replies enthusiastically. "Yeah I've been playing since I was about your age. It's a lot of fun. Maybe sometime you and mum can come see one of my games." Matthew says. Aww it's so cute how he called me mum. "What's your favourite colour?" Belle asks Matt. "Green. What's yours?" Matt responds. "Pink." Belle responds happily. "Pink is a really great colour. I think it may be my second favourite." Matthew says. Belle and Matt go on asking each other questions for about a half an hour. "Mummy I have to go to the bathroom. Where is it?" Belle asks. I point to where it is and say, "It's the door on the left." Once Belle goes in Matt opens up his arms and I sit on his lap snuggled up into him. "I love you so much." I say. "And I love you more than you can imagine." Matthew replies. "When do you have to leave?" I ask him. "I have a five thirty flight, so I probably will have to leave at four thirty or four forty five." Darn it's already three we don't have much time left. "Do you have to leave?" I ask even though I already know the answer. "Yeah I do, but I would much rather be with you." Matt replies. Then we both lean in for a kiss. We sit there kissing until we hear the water running and we pull away. "You were right she is so sweet and I love her so much." Matthew whispers in my ear. Then Belle comes out of the bathroom and I scoot off of Matt's lap.

       Belle walks over and says, "I'm hungry." "Well what do you want?" I reply. "Anything is okay." She responds. "Belle you are in for a treat because I am going to give you the best food in the world." I tell her. I go into the kitchen and get the nutella out of the cabinet. Then I go over to the fridge and pull out the strawberries. When I turn around Matt and Belle are sitting at the counter. "Belle this is your mum's favourite snack, it's like the only thing she eats." Matt tells Belle. "Why would I eat anything else for snack when nutella on strawberries is so good?" I say as I get out a bowl. I wash the strawberries as Belle asks, "What's nutella?" "It's the best food on earth." Okay reply. Then I put the strawberries in the bowl I got out and open the nutella container. I set the nutella and strawberries in front of Belle and say, "You take a strawberry and then just dip it in the nutella." I then show her how and eat my strawberry. Mmmm, this is the best. I take a seat by Matt as Belle picks up a strawberry. Belle then dips the strawberry in the nutella and then eats it. Her face lights up and then she says, "THIS IS SOO GOOD!!!!" I smile and Matthew laughs a little as he says to Belle, "You are going to be just like mum." We all snack on the nutella and strawberries until there are no strawberries left. "Mmmm that is the best snack ever!" Belle says. "Know you can see why it's my favourite." I reply. "I have to admit it is okay." Matt says.

        "What do you want to do now?" I ask as we all walk over to the couch. "I don't know." Belle replies. "How about we watch a movie." Matthew suggests. "Do you have enough time?" I ask him. "Enough time until when?" Belle asks. "I have to go back to Brazil for a rugby game at 9:00. My flight is at 5:30." Matthew tells Belle. "Don't go." Belle says sadly as she crawls into Matt's lap and gives him a hug. "I have to go Belle it's my job, but I promise I try find time to visit you and mummy before Christmas." Matt tells Belle. "You promise?" Belle asks. "I promise." Matt replies. Aww he is so sweet with Belle. "How about we start watching frosty the snowman?" I suggest. "Yeah!" Belle replies excitedly. Then my phone starts to ring. I check who it is, and its Jo. (As in J.K. Rowling)

E- Hello

J- Emma, how did this morning go?

E- It went well. I adopted a little girl named Isabelle, but she goes by Belle.

J- Congratulations! I can not wait to meet her. When are you going to be back in the U.K.?

E- We have a flight tomorrow morning, but we are going shopping with Bonnie on Wednesday. Do you want to come over to my house for tea on Thursday?

J- That sounds lovely. I can't wait to meet her.

E- What time works for you on Thursday? I'm not doing anything so anytime works for me.

J- How about 1:00?

E- Sounds great.

J- Goodbye Em.

E- Bye Jo.

a/n I'm going to try to update soon maybe tomorrow. I looked and saw I that people were actually reading this so I'm going to update as soon as I can. I didn't think people would actually read this at first, so thanks so much for reading.




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