Chapter 7

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***Belle pov***

         "Belle wake up we are meeting Mrs Jo in an hour and a half. We have to start getting ready." Mummy says as she gently shakes we to wake me up.

"Mummy it is too early to wake up though." I say sleepily.

"Belle it is ten thirty. That is not to early to wake up." Mummy replies.

"Ten thirty is way to early to wake up come back at one." I say.

"But Belle if you don't wake up now I will have to call Mrs Jo and tell her we can't meet today." Mummy tells me.

"But mummy that isn't fair I want to meet Mrs Jo but I don't want to get out of bed." I whine.

"Come on Belle. You need to get up now." Mum says. I get out from under the covers and lift up my arms and reach up signalling I want to be picked up. Mummy picks me up and holds me in her arms as she walks out of her bedroom.

"Mummy I'm still tired." I says while yawning.

"Sorry baby we need to start getting ready." Mummy tells me as she walks down the back staircase into the kitchen. I see and hear other people in the house.

"Mummy what are those people doing?" I ask as I start to get scared. Strangers shouldn't be walking around in our house.

"Don't worry Belle they are putting up some of the Christmas decorations. They are going to do everything except decorate the main tree and put up the stockings. We are going to do that with Matt." Mummy tells me.

"Okay" I reply. Mummy sets me down in a chair at the counter.

"What do you want for a small breakfast Miss Belle?" Mummy asks.

"I want nutella on strawberries." I reply.

"Very good choice." Mummy says as she starts to get out the strawberries.

"Mummy what if Mrs. Jo doesn't like me?" I ask as I munch on my strawberries.

"She is going to love you Belle. Don't worry about that just be yourself." Mum tells me.

We finish breakfast and then I follow mummy upstairs to go get ready.

"So what do you want to wear today Belle?" Mum asks me.

"I don't know maybe a dress." I reply. Mummy pulls out a dress with a red top and a red and green polka dot bottom.

"How about this dress its very Christmasie?" Mum says as she holds up the dress for me to see.

"I really like this one." I say with a smile. Mummy help me put on the dress and then she finds me some tights to wear with it.

"I'm going to go get dressed now you can sit on my bed while I change." Mum tells me. Then I walk over to her room and lay on her bed. Mum gives me the remote and then says, "I'm going to shower and get ready I should be out in no more than thirty minutes yell if you need me."

"Okay" I reply as I turn on the TV. I find Elf is on and I start to watch it.

***Emma pov***

       I just finished showering and now I am figuring out what I am going to wear. Should I wear a dress or jeans or something nice? The cafe we are going to isn't that fancy but it is still nice. I finally decide to wear some black jeans and a nice dark purple sweater. I blow dry my hair and the brush it out. Then I turn down the music and call for Belle to come in.

"Yes mummy." Belle says as she walks into the bathroom.

"I think we need to do something with your hair." I tell her. The french braid Bonnie did last night in Belle's hair is a mess from Belle sleeping. It is frizzy and there are strands of hair falling out. I undo the braid and then start brushing Belle's hair. I wet down her curls to make her hair less frizzy. Then I put her hair in pig tails.

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