Chpt. 1

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Audrey's POV (7 years after The Beginning)

"Come on, let's go to the training hall, we can have a quick duel," Says, Qui Gon as I stretch, just finishing my meditation.

"Sure!" Was my answer, I hadn't duelled anyone in a while.

We walk down the peaceful halls of the Jedi temple. Life had been good, Qui Gon had taken me on countless missions in the past 7 years, and my training was coming along nicely. The only thing that bothered me was that I hadn't seen Anakin in a while. By a while, I mean two years. It was the longest we've been away from each other, not counting my time on Ahch-to.

"Do you think Anakin and Obi-wan will be returning to Coruscant soon?" I ask Qui Gon hopefully.

"They're due to be back about today or tomorrow." Informs Qui Gon, "when they do, I'll give you a day off the spend with Anakin."

"Thanks," I say to my Master, smiling.

We continue to walk down the halls towards the training hall. Then a vision hits me. Hard. I stagger back and clutch my head.

"Audrey!" Qui Gon was beside me immediately. "What's happening?" He knew me well enough to know that I had just had a vision.

"We need to get to the closest landing platform," I croak, running down the hall, Qui Gon at my heels.

I see a landing platform to my right, and start running towards it, "Everyone out!" I yell, seeing a Senator, slowly walking out of the ship. It was too late, I did my best to force push everyone away from the ship. 

KABOOM. The ship explodes debris, flying around. I swear at myself under my breath and run towards anyone who was lying on the ground.

I see another person bending over the senator on the ground, "Corde..." She whispers.

"I'm so sorry, M'lady... I- I've failed you, Senator..." Gasps Corde, dying in the woman's arms.

Senator? I thought surprised, Corde must have been a decoy. I could have saved her, I thought guiltily, if only I reacted quicker...

"M'lady, you're still in danger here, " Says Qui Gon, from behind me.

"I shouldn't have come back here." says the woman, lifting her head. I was surprised when I saw the familiar face of Padme. Not the time for reunions, I tell myself.

A captain steps forward, "M'lady, this vote is very important. You did your duty." He looks regretfully at Corde's body, "And Corde did her's. Now come."

Padme remains silent, staring at Corde's body.

"Senator Amidala, please!" Pleads the captain.

Padme reluctantly stands up and walks towards the senate building. I glance at Qui Gon, and he nods. We follow the Padme and her captain for extra. Once we reach the building, Padme and the captain attend a Senate session, while Qui Gon contacts the Jedi Council through a comlink and updates them on the situation.

"Of course." He says to the comlink and disconnects it.

"What did the council say?" I ask, curious.

"We are to stay with the Senator until future notice," He says.

I nod. If only I had gotten there sooner. I thought angrily at myself.

"Stop," Qui Gon looks at me sternly. I look at him in confusion, " I know that you're blaming yourself for what happened."

"You know me too well," I roll my eyes. "It's my fault that people died though. If I had acted sooner, none of this would have happened." I say, my voice rising after every word.

"It's not," Says Qui Gon sternly, "There was nothing you could do. You need to let go."

I sigh, "You're right, I need to let go. But I still could have acted faster." I add stubbornly.

Qui Gon rolls his eyes, " Good enough." He says.

Padme walks out of the door, I could sense that she was frustrated. "Master Jinn," She greets, smiling it's nice to see you again."

"My padawan and I have been assigned to stay with you for the time being." Explains Qui Gon.

"Thank you." She says, smiling. She glances at me, and her eyes widen in surprise," Audrey?! Is that you?"

I nod, smiling.

"You've grown," She says admiringly, "And you're more beautiful than I remember."

I blush," You look beautiful like always too." I say.

 We walk side by side to the Chancellor's office. Talking about interesting events that had happened in the 10 years we hadn't seen each other. When we reach the Chancellor's office I fall silent and stand beside Qui Gon. I could sense most of the Jedi Council was inside with the Chancellor. 

When the door opens, Master Yoda steps forward, "Senator Amidala," Greets Master Yoda," Your tragedy on the landing platform, terrible, terrible. Seeing you alive, brings warm feelings to my heart."

"Do you have any idea who's behind this attack?" Asks Padme. 

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo." Answers  Master Windu.

"I think that Count Dooku is behind it," says Padme.

Qui Gon looks up, surprised. "Count Dooku had once been his master, "He is a politic idealist, not a murderer." He says defensively.

"You know, M'lady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi, he couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character." Agrees Master Windu.

"But for certain, Senator, in grave danger, you are." Says Master Yoda, seriously.

"Master Jedi, may I suggest that the Senator may be placed under the protection of  your graces." Says Chancellor Palpatine, looking out at the window.

"Do you think that's a wise decision under these stressful times?" Asks Senator Organa.

"Chancellor, if I may comment, I do not believe the situ-" Behan Padme.

"Situation is that serious," Finishes Palatine. "Oh, but I do Senator, I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you. But perhaps someone you're familiar with! An old friend... Like Master Kenobi!"

"That's possible," Says Master Windu, "He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion."

Padme looks uncertain. "Do it for me, M'lady, please. The thought of losing you is unbearable."

"I will have Obi-wan report to you immediately." Says Master Windu respectfully.

"Thank you, Master Windu," Says Padme, gratefully.

I follow Qui Gon out the door, "Master Windu, Master Yoda," He says, calling the two Jedi Masters over. "I would like to go find Count Dooku and speak with him."

Master Yoda looks surprised," Why?" Was his question.

"The force is pulling me towards him." Qui Gon explains, "There is something not right, and I feel finding Dooku will give us the answers we need."

Master Windu and Master Yoda exchange a glance," Very well, you may go search for Count Dooku." Says Master Windu he glances at me, "Audrey, you will stay behind and help Master Kenobi and your brother with protecting the Senator."

I bow respectfully, "Of course, Master Windu."

The two Jedi Masters walk away, leaving me and Qui Gon alone. "I'll leave once I have a word with Obi-wan." Says Qui Gon.

"How will you know where to go?" I ask, curiously.

"The force will guide me." Was his answer. "Come on, the Senator will be waiting for you."

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