Chpt. 4

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Qui Gon's POV

I had been duelling with Dooku for a while, none of us were winning, I knew all of his moves, and he knew all of mine. Finally, I catch him on the leg, causing him to hiss in pain.

"Shoot him!" He yells at the droids. 

My eyes widen as all the droids started to shoot at me, I expertly deflect all of them and try to keep an eye on Dooku. I glance at the spot where Dooku had been a second ago. Where'd he go? I wonder, suddenly alarmed.

"Looking for me?" He growls, brings his lightsaber up. I barely doge, while deflecting blasts at the same time. This goes on for a while, with Dooku trying to kill me, and with me deflecting laser bolts. I groan, suddenly feeling a sharp pain on the side of my head. Dooku had caught me on the side of the head, barely. I could feel blood start to pour down the side of my head, and I wince in pain. I couldn't hang on like this any longer, I quickly dashing towards my ship while deflecting bolts. I bite my lip, but that didn't stop the scream. A laser bolt had hit me directly in the shoulder and I could feel blood pour down my cloak.

I jump into my starfighter, and put up the shields, setting course for Coruscant. My vision starts to get blurry, and I feel like giving in. No. Audrey still needed me. I knew I wouldn't make it. I knew that even if I did reach Coruscant, I wouldn't live. I still have to try. Clenching my teeth, I fought to remain conscious...

Audrey's POV

No. I couldn't think. My speeder was going as fast as possible, and as soon as I reached the platform, I leapt off the speeder and ran. Then I saw it. Qui Gon's familiar starfighter was crashing towards a landing platform outside the Jedi Temple. I sprint towards it, using the force to speed me up. 

As I round a corner, I see Qui Gon's starfighter on the landing platform, burning. Please let him be alright! I thought, my heart dropping.

"Medic!" I hear Master Windu shout, rushing towards the crashed starfighter. When I arrive at the scene, Qui Gon was being laid on a stretcher, blood staining his robes and the side of his head. 

"No," I whisper, feeling sick.

Master Windu and Master Yoda look at me in surprise. 

I hear footsteps, "Audrey wha-" Anakin pants, but stops when he sees Qui Gon. His eyes widen. Obi-wan runs in too, and he stops too. His eyes, wide with shock.

I tremble, not believing what was happening. Master Yoda breaks the silence," Inside, Qui Gon must be." He says, his voice worried.

I lean against Anakin for support, as my brain wasn't working properly. He helps me inside, and I stay with Qui Gon as the healers inspect him. 

"You should leave," Says one of the healers gently, "We need some space."

I stare at her numbly, and Anakin nudges me. "Come on," He whispers, helping me up. Obi-wan following us silently.

"He'll be alright, right?" My voice cracking slightly.

The healer avoids my eyes, "We'll see."

I follow Obi-wan and Anakin out of the room and slump into a chair, my head throbbing. We wait anxiously, hoping someone would come and tell us that Qui Gon was alright.

Qui Gon's POV

I groan, opening my eyes. "He's awake!" I hear the familiar voice of Master Windu.

He looks at me anxiously." How are you feeling?"

"Horrible," I croak.

"Audrey will want to see you," He says, getting up.

"No," I say, trying to project my voice, "Master Yoda can get her, I need to speak with you." The effort of talking was too much, so I slump back onto my pillows.

Master Yoda nods and walks out of the room. "What hap-" My throat cracked, and I stopped. 

"I don't know," Was his answer, "Master Yoda and I saw your starfighter coming down, so we assumed you were in trouble. Who did this to you?"

The memories flood back to me, and I open my mouth, trying to speak, "Dooku." Was all I could manage to say, without completely exhausting myself.

Master Windu's eyes widen," Count Dooku?"

I nod my head slightly and open my mouth slightly, about to tell him about Palpatine, but all that came out was a cough, and I felt something in the back of my throat. Blood. I was dying.

"When... I ... Gone..." I whisper, saving my strength, " Train... Audrey..."

Master Windu looks at me in concern," You're going to be fine. " He says, trying to convince himself as well as me.

I shake my head slightly. We both knew that this was my end.

Obi-wan walks into the room, "Master!" He says worriedly.

I smile at my old Padawan. "Obi-wan... I'm so proud..." Was all I could manage without starting to cough again.

He smiles at me sadly," You were a great master, Qui Gon." 

Then I see her. Audrey, her face unusually sad, and her eyes watering. "Master..."

She walks over to my bed. "I... I'm so sorry..."

I look at her softly," Not your fault." I whisper, "My destiny..."

"Oh, Master..." A single tear rolls down her face. I look at her, she had grown so much over the past 10 years. Her Padawan braid down to her shoulders.

I glance at Anakin, who looked at me sadly. "I'm proud..." I croak," of all of you..."

I open my mouth, wanting to warn them about Palpatine, but once again, my voice seized up, and I coughed out blood. I lie back into the pillows, ready to move on into the next part of my journey.

"Qui Gon..." Says Audrey, seeing that I was starting to let go, "No! Please..."

I let myself at peace, letting the force guide me to my next steps.

Audrey's POV

"Qui Gon..." I whisper, afraid that he was going to let go. He closes his eyes, "No! Please..." He was gone. My Master was dead. I was alone. I try not to let the tears fall, but it was hard. Anakin pulls me into a tight hug. And I lose track of time.

Before I knew it, I was watching Qui Gon's body go up in flames. He's with the force now, I tell myself. I stared at the flames, memories of Qui Gon replaying in my head.

Qui Gon, smiling at me and Anakin, telling us that we had Jedi reflexes.

Qui Gon, comforting me after I had been separated from Anakin.

Qui Gon, showing me the ways of the force.

Qui Gon, taking me to get my kyber crystals.

Qui Gon, always believing in me and supporting me.

I feel the tears fall. I will honour your memory. I tell him silently. I was the last one to leave the room, the flames were dying, and I was exhausted. I walk up to my room and stare out the window. I feel my throat close, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think.

"Calm down," Whispers a voice behind me. It was Obi-wan. 

I stagger, I couldn't stand up. Obi-wan takes me in his arms. I can't help it. I started sobbing, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I can't believe he's gone." I sob. I felt my heart shatter.

"I can't either," Murmurs Obi-wan into my hair. We both cry, remembering all of our memories of Qui Gon.

Slowly, my breathing goes back to normal, and so does Obi-wan's. "Thank you," I whisper. He nods and walks out the door.

 I probably should get some rest. I thought. I lay in my bed, trying not to think about Qui Gon.

OMG, I could not stop crying when I wrote this! RIP Qui Gon! We'll miss you. 

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