Lair of Grievous Part 2

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Audrey's POV

I tense as I hear General Grievous' footsteps echo in the halls, " Guards? Gore? Gore, where are you?" I hear him rasp.

I glance at Master Fisto who nods. We simultaneously jump out of our hiding spots, blasters and lightsabers raised.

"Welcome home, General. I'm afraid I must request your surrender. Cooperate, Grievous, and perhaps the Senate will be merciful." States Master Fisto, his green blade giving off light.

" It is you who shall get no mercy." Growls Grievous. He reaches for his lightsabers and flicks off his cape. He ignites two lightsabers and springs for attack. Caught off guard, I block his saner, surprised to meet so much resistance. He pulls out two more lightsabers, and Nahdar joins my side, parrying each of his slashes.

"Cables!" I yell, pushing back on one of Grievous' strikes. 

The clones promptly shoot ut the extension cables and pull, causing Grievous to struggle. We continue our duel and the clones struggle to hold their ground as Grievous pulls harder.

"Don't let him go! We got him!" I hear Fil order.

"Don't let him cut the lines!" Shouts Master Fisto as he duels on Grievous' left side.

Seeing an opening, I bring up my cyan blade, slicing off Grievous' legs. Master Fisto gives me a nod of approval from the other side.

Grievous yells and jumps onto the ceiling, his metal claw gripping hard. The clones groan in effort as they fight to stand their ground.

"Hold him!" Yells Fil determinedly.

Grievous jumps back onto the ground, trying to crawl away. Nahdar springs forward, bring his lightsaber up to strike Grievous who blocks it.

"Don't make me destroy you!" I hear Nahdar yell.

Suddenly, Grievous spring back to the ceiling, and this time, the clones lose their footing and get dragged. He holds one of them by the neck, whipping him at Master Fisto who staggers backwards. Grievous throws Niner in Nahdar's direction, and he crashes into him head-on. Grievous laughs maniacally and swings forward across the ceiling as though they were monkey bars.

"Come and get me." He snarls.

" Cut him off!" Orders Nahdar, sprinting off after Grievous with some other clones following. Master Fisto and I sprint down another corridor, revealing two unconscious clones. Nahdar and the other clones rush in on the scene too, and we follow Grievous down a narrow hallway.

"Where'd he go?" Wonders Fil as we catch up.

Master Fisto glances at Nahdar for his report on what had happened.

"The clones got in the way. I could have taken him." Says Nahdar angrily.

I glance at him in shock, "Some of your troopers are injured! It's no-"

Master Fisto cuts me off, "Let's take care of our wounded." He says, disappointment visible in his voice. At me, or Nahdar. I had no idea.

I bend down, checking on the two troopers lying on the ground. 

"I don't think I can feel a pulse,"  I say, looking up at Nahdar apologetically.

He bends down too, face angry, "Let me go after Grievous myself, Master." He growls, looking up.

"Patience, Nahdar. You may no longer be a Padawan, but you are not ready to take on Grievous. It's time we retreated." Says Master Fisto urgently.

Nahdar sighs and stands up. Master Fisto nods, and we quickly run back towards the entrance. Just as we're about to reach the door, it shuts closed and we stop, surprised. I turn around and the doors to the left and right promptly close too. 

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