Lair of Grievous

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A few months into the war, Audrey is still a padawan while her brother, Anakin is made into a Jedi Knight. Her new Master, Master Windu insists that there is still more for her to learn. Audrey continues to train under Master Windu, becoming frustrated that her brother is already a Jedi Knight. (This is very out of order!)

Audrey's POV

I sigh, slipping out of meditation. A few months had passed since the Clone War had begun, and I was still a padawan. Still not a Jedi Knight like Anakin. Yes, I understood, I could still learn a lot from Master Windu, but it felt so embarrassing how my twin, Anakin was a Jedi knight while I was still a Sithspitting padawan!

I get up, checking the time. Master Windu should probably be back from his latest mission on Abafar. Quickly walking down the halls, I reach the main hanger bay. where I could see his starfighter. I walk towards him, nodding respectfully to Master Yoda who was also there. 

"How was the mission, Master?" I ask.

"Well. We now have a direct source of rhydonium for the starships." He answers.

"Are there any other missions?" I didn't want to sound too desperate, but I wanted to slice some droids and be out of the Jedi Temple for a while.

Master Windu nods, "We've located Nute Gunray and are sending you, along with Master Fisto  and Knight Nahdar to retrieve him." 

I nod. Gunray had caused enough trouble, "When do I leave?" I ask.


I turn around and see the smiling face of Master Fisto. "Master." I nod my head respectfully.

Master Windu speaks up, "You two might as well get going." He gives me a stern look that I shrug off, "And padawan, follow orders."

I roll my eyes, "Of course, Master." But no promises. I think silently.

Master Fisto and I jump into our starfighters, and I load R3 in. I wait patiently as Master Fisto sets the course for the coordinates that Nahdar was sending us. Lost in my thoughts, I stare out the cockpit as we exit hyperspace.

We abandon the hyperspace rings and fly towards Vassek, landing on a rock column. 

I hear Master Fisto's droid, R6 lets out a few beeps, "Well,  I can't see anything either. You'll be fine, R6." Says Master Fisto calmly.

"Just keep a lookout for us, okay?" I add.

Together, Master Fisto and I walk to a ship in the distance. There was a small supply ship and a small group of clones around it.

"Nahdar." States Master Fisto, smiling, "Congratulations on passing the trials! I'm sorry the war prevented me from seeing your training through to the end."

Nahdar lifts his hood, revealing a mon calamari face. He looked the same age as me!

"You were missed, Master, but it is an honour to finally serve beside you as a Knight." Responds Nahdar politely. He glances at me, "Did you take another padawan?" 

I resist the urge to yell something at his face. Instead, I step forward, "I'm Audrey Skywalker, Master Windu's padawan."

Nahdar nods in recognition, "Ah, Skywalker. I know your brother, he was made a Jedi Knight not that long ago was he?"

I smile through gritted teeth, "Yes, Anakin was made a Jedi Knight a month ago. Master Windu has explained how there is still for me to learn."

Nahdar opens his mouth to say something else, but the clone commander interrupts him, "General, we've pinpointed the tracking beacon's location to the south end of the gorge." He states.

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