Jedi Knight At Last

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Audrey's POV

Master Fisto and I arrive on Coruscant and give our report to Master Yoda and Master Windu in the empty Jedi Council chambers. Most of the Jedi were out fighting battles. 

" What about your former Padawan?" Master Windu was asking.

Master Fisto looks regretful, "His heart was in the right place, but he tried to answer Grievous' power with his own."

Master Yoda frowns, "To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not. In this war, a danger there is of losing who we are." He looks up at me and then glances at Master Windu. "Another event, cover, we must." He smiles, "Young Audrey Skywalker, ready I believe to become a Jedi, you are."

I hold back a smile and instead fix my face into a mask of serenity that I had been practicing, "Thank you, Master."

Master Windu speaks up, "There will be no formal ceremony, as most of the Jedi are out." He gestures to the empty seats. "I believe that this news will become old fast, as it has been expected for a while."

I grin to myself inwardly. That was almost Master Windu's way of praise.

Master Yoda ignites his green lightsaber, and I kneel down before him, "Jedi we are all. Speaks to us, the Force does. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Acknowledge here, today, what the Force has proclaimed. Audrey Skywalker, by the right of the Council, By the will of the force, Jedi Knight of the Republic, you now are." 

He brings his lightsaber upon my padawan braid, and it falls to the ground. I raise my head, "Thank you, Masters." I nod respectfully.

Master Windu nods. I thought I could catch a glimpse of pride in his eyes, "You will be assigned to the 501st with your brother." He states, "They should be back from their latest battle by tomorrow."

I nod and Yoda gives me a dismissal. I walk out of the Council Chambers alongside Master Windu with my braid in hand. I turn to him, "Thank you, Master Windu." I state, "Thank you for taking over my training after... after Qui Gon died. I really do appreciate it."

Master Windu smiles, "It was a pleasure to teach you, young Skywalker."

We part ways, and I head to the main hanger. Obi-wan was scheduled to be back on Coruscant by this afternoon. I had checked yesterday. As I walk down the nearly empty halls, my thoughts wander to Qui Gon. I owed him everything. He was the one who had taken me under his wing and guided me in the ways of the force. I glance down at his lightsaber, which I now called my own. I would honour his memory forever.

My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar presence. I look up, seeing Obi-wan running towards me.

"Obi-wan!" I gasp, as he engulfs me in a hug. My chin fit snugly in his shoulder as if it was made for me. I breathe in, smiling into his shoulder. It was then that I realized I had missed him so much.

He takes me by the arm, "Let's find somewhere more private." He murmurs, realizing that we were still in public. Luckily, no one had seemed to see us.

We reach his room and he leads me inside to the balcony, "I've missed you." He murmurs, embracing me again.

"Me too." I answer happily.

He stops taking a small step back, "Wait... your padawan braid..." He stares, a smile creeping onto his face.

I grin, "Master Yoda made me a Jedi Knight just today." I tell him, "I've been assigned to lead the 501st with Anakin."

Obi-wan grins, "Good luck with that."

I smile happily, "Now we'll be able to be on more missions together."

Obi-wan pulls me closer, "Perfect."

His lips meet mine, and I savour the moment of feeling safe and loved.

Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed this double update!
Great news, I just got the COVID vaccine today! :) I am feeling perfectly fine, my arm just aches a bit. I will admit, I was freaking out when I got it because I definitely HATE needles and shots and anything to do with it. Thankfully, It didn't hurt at all, just a slight poke and it was over. So I got it over with!
Bad news is, I have to do it again in a few months :(
I have officially changed my account name to Moon and settled on a new profile picture which I hope I will not change my mind about.
Remember to stay safe! COVID will be over soon.
Love you guys❤ 

~May the Force Be With You, Always~


(Wow it looks weird seeing Moon instead of Star)

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