Chapter Ten: Milo + UPDATE #2

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The room was very bright. Milo's eyes had to adjust to the sky blue tone on all the walls. It was a lovely wallpaper with a retro photo of clouds and the sky.

Above and below him was the same picture, all leading to a very entransic design. The thought of staying there too long made him shiver, but he knew very well that he wouldn't be staying here forever. He'd been in this facility long enough to know the ends and outs of the operation.

They had tried to play with his emotions. And not just some emotions, but every intricate emotion he had. Anger, sadness, happiness... etc.

He was tired of their games, and he was very curious as to what mind games they would be pulling on him next.

Although he knew that they would be ever so tricky with their matches, he would never guess that they would take him here.

This room was different from anything he had ever seen in this provision, let alone the world as a whole.

The room looked like it belonged in a newborn babies bedroom. Minus the floor and the ceiling being the same wallpaper. Seemed very horror movie like if you asked him.

But despite the creepy surroundings, he felt very at peace here. This worried him a lot, and might've been the scariest part of the room itself.

They slid a tray of food across the floor to him, never showing themselves. He had tried looking for them but they always seemed too deep in the shadows for the human eyes to see.

But they fed him, which made him think they weren't going to kill him, but made the place seem even more like a prison.

What do they need me for? He wondered, losing track of how many times he had actually asked that question while being here.

After he finished his breakfast meal that he had probably eaten about a million times at this point, he got up and waited for them to take him away.

They grabbed his hand through the shadows and took him out of the room. He felt very happy to finally leave the creepy room, but wondered why they had taken him there in the first place.

He walked through the darkness, until he heard and bang of metal. The sound was how he knew they had brought him to another room. To this day he never figured out what the sound was or why it meant a new room.

He walked into another room, or glitched there. He still wasn't sure which or how he even could describe the incident.

He had arrived at a beach. This was the first time it wasn't a room. Or was it?

The fact that they might have actually taken him outside amazed him.

He stared out at the ocean that seemed to stretch forever wide. He tried to look behind him, but he couldn't. He was stuck staring.

The sky had darkened into a menacing dark blue. Clouds had formed also. He could have sworn he saw a funnel of thick clouds form as the wind starting blowing treacherously.

He came to the conclusion that a hurricane was forming and he began to be very fearful. He wanted to run, but he felt as if his feet were glued to the cold sand and his eyes were stuck, fixated on the hurricane heading his way.


Thank you to everyone who has read my book and I'm very happy that you all have stuck with me, even though I am horrible at meeting my own deadlines.

But anyhow, I have some news to share...

I am taking the month of February off, because it is my birthday month. But I will be back with chapter 11 (wow) the first Friday of March. So stay tuned for that.

Did you enjoy the cliffhanger for these chapters, I wanted to keep you on the edge.

I feel that this book is the book I have wanted to write my whole life. It is one of mystery and cliffhangers that I have wanted to make for a long, long time. So thank you for making this possible by reading and staying with me through the ups and downs of this book.

We just hit 100 views and I am so amazed at that number. So to celebrate I decided to release chapter 10 early.

Also I have designed illustrations myself for chapters 6 - 10. I am so happy. I was able to do it all digitally, using the app Procreate (highly recommend) and thanks to the YouTube creator ArtWithFlo. So please please please go check her out on YouTube, she is amazing.

So again thank you thank you thank you for the endless support from everyone. I hope you enjoy all the characters and the new characters (Milo and Fleur) also.

I have currently got people working on illustrating those characters for me, so you can see how I thought they should look, when creating them with all those people back in the summer of 2020 (oh my gosh its been so long).

That's all the announcements I have..... for right now :)....

So see you in March!!!


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