Wine in a Nice Ocean Breeze Ch.1

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⚠️-drinking/ alcohol

"AHAHA! We got away just like we always do- didn't we poppy?!" A woman removing a black wig, letting her hair flow beautifully, said.

"Yip!" A small dog who played in the gold and jewelry they got away with barked.

The woman sighed happily while floating in a boat she stole. Streaming down the waters of Venice with a old radio playing some 50's music. The woman popped open a bottle of high-quality wine and drank it straight out of the bottle.

"My friiiend~ I'll say it clleeaaarrr~!" The woman sang as the dog howled along. The woman was too tired to tell the dog she was tone-deaf; getting a small bowl, she poured some wine for the dog, who drank it happily.

The moonlight reflected off of the water as the woman sang and drank while basking in her new small fortune. She admired her nails as police sirens faded into the distance. The woman grabbed the gold and jewel-encrusted necklace and gazed into the larger gem happily while taking a sip of her wine.

Sighing blissfully, she sank into the riches sleepily; the radio was still playing, and she mumbled the last lyric of the song.

"Myyyy~ waaayyy~ haaaaa, let's go home, poppy~."

The dog looked up from her small bowl of wine and yipped once more before she fell asleep.


About an hour later, your ride found your boat in the middle of the Gulf of Venice. They stopped their small yacht and jumped down on the small boat. He gazed fondly at you holding a wine bottle and sleeping in a pile of gold. He crouched down and whispered,

"Baby bird~ it's time to get up~."

You mumbled something incoherent and turned away from him, the radio still playing some good 50's tunes. He sighed playfully and knew of only one thing that'll get you up.

Taking the wine bottle.

You woke up as expected and glared sleepily at him. The man held the bottle, shaking it a bit,

"You have an addiction, you know." He teased.

You stretched your arms while getting your small dog into your arms,

"It's a hobby."

He looked at her unimpressed before standing back up,

"Whatever it is- we should get outta here."

You nodded while bagging your gold and jewelry, then tossed it over on the boat, and the two of you climbed back onto the expensive yacht. The late-night salty air calmed Y/n as her friend Keigo drove the ship. You move your hair out of the way and realized you were still wearing an expensive silk ball gown.

Humming happily, you went over to Keigo in the cockpit,

"So where are we going, Kei?"

He glanced over at you before turning his attention back to the wheel,

"Nowhere in particular, haha, just away from the cops, I suppose."

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