A Reunion of Delisons Ch.2

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⚠️- Drinking, adult themes, cursing

You had your bags all packed and passed out after setting your alarm for 2 am...

Which was 45 minutes away.

You groaned once the alarm went off and got up to get a shower, then dressed. Poppy did a downward dog stretch before getting a drink of water from her very expensive looking bowl.

After putting on some designer clothes and jewelry, you checked out of the hotel with your luggage and Poppy in your purse. You called a taxi to take you to the airport; once the car pulled up, you stepped out of the vehicle.

You quickly made your way to the gate where tou could buy a one-way ticket to Japan. First-class of course, for you and Poppy.

After a bit of bribing, you walked to the waiting lounge, thinking about how much you loved money. The flight would take off in about an hour, you ordered a drink while looking for a Tokyo hotel.

"Ms. L/n?" A deep and familiar voice said behind you.

You craned your head and saw Mr. Aizawa from yesterday, well, from a few hours ago, to be specific. You internally groaned but gave him a polite but tired smile anyways,

"Hello, ~ Didn't expect to see you here."

He nodded and took a seat next to you, not quite sure what to say. You almost forgot about his presence as you sipped your mixed drink and scratched a sleeping Poppy's head. Aizawa would take some side glances while trying to think of a way to start a conversation.

There was an awkward silence for the next 47 minutes.

"Excuse me, miss, what would you like to drink?" The flight attendant asked you while you were looking at the drinks menu.

You sighed while giving a thoughtful look.

'If I drink too much alcohol, I'll get fat...but then all the fat I gain goes to my boobs....but men like those and I hate men...but I like alcohol....'

You gave one more dramatic sigh before ordering water. Poppy whined and looked at you, but you pushed through the cute look and...

Ordered a bottle of wine.

'Who cares what men think of me~ that's my favorite part of hating men, haha~!'

One wine bottle and a long 14-hour flight of you binge watching some shows with Poppy later, you both finally made it to Japan. After saying your goodbyes to Aizawa, you hailed a cab to take you to the hotel you would be staying at.

But first you had a stop to make.

The car stopped at a neighborhood, and you handed him an address with 200 bucks so he could take your luggage to the hotel. You watched the taxi drive away before walking down the road.

You looked over to a playground, fondly remembering her middle school and high school years. The moonlight illuminated your figure as you walked to a bench and sat down. Poppy got out of the bag and ran around a bit, remembering this park as well.

You laughed softly and rested your cheek onto your palm, watching your little friend play and run around. This is where you confessed for the first time in middle school. You got rejected real harshly; it was by your best friend of three years, no less.

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