And So the Show Begins Ch.4

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⚠️-cursing, drinking, smoking, mentions of adult themes.

"You're going to be okay- you going to be okay," a deep male voice said, slightly panicked as he put pressure on the woman's bleeding wound.

"Hey-! Keep your eyes open, don't close your eyes!"

" noisy..." The woman mumbled as her eyes darkened.


You finished the last of your makeup before your phone rang.

"Hey, Isis- yeah, I'm about to leave....don't worry, I'll be fine. Are you sure they'll be there? Okay, I'll let you know when I'm done."

You put your phone in your purse along with Poppy before going out. Walking out of the building, a fancy car with a 'K' emblem on it was waiting for you. You brushed your hair out of your face and got in.

You wore a black felt and wool coat that covered your extravagant red dress and your luxury jewelry. You looked out the window while petting Poppy's head; soon, the car stopped at a tall and beautiful building lit up by neon lights.

With a tip and a thank you, you stepped out and put your sunglasses on. You were murmuring with the reception already catching the eyes of quite a few people. Then you went backstage with your sleeping dog.

"Hello, Lady Katsumi already informed me of the plan. If you need anything, please let the staff know." An older woman who was elegantly dressed said to you while you sat down in a chair.

You took off your sunglasses and flashed a charming smile, "I'll be just fine, don't worry."

A few showgirls sang their songs and did their dances, and finally, it was your time to shine. You took off your coat and smoothed out your somewhat sultry red dress.

As you slowly walked out, the lights changed from a white to a opaque purple. Soft piano and drums started to play as the beautiful woman stepped up and gently held the microphone.

Your hips swayed softly, and you took a breath in before starting to sing.

(I deadass spent a hour trying to find the right song lol- I almost gave up and did the Jessica rabbit song but I said "no- I gotta be original" so here's this absolute j a m that made me cry lol)

The club stopped and was silent in awe; your voice smooth like honey soothed them to no end. Your gaze elegantly scanned the somewhat dim room; you smiled, satisfied with the reaction you were getting.

'I know~ I'm just so godly~ '

Your eyes met heterochrome eyes, half of his face was covered in a porcelain mask. You briefly wondered why he was wearing it but brushed it off as the final lyrics of her song came.

Quiet applause quickly turned into loud ones, quite a few sets of eyes watched you leave the stage with something new aflame in them.

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