The Devils Tango Ch.7

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⚠️-cursing, drinking, threats of m*rder, g*ns, and you might hate or love Iida after this- no in between.

You walked on the velvet floors with your heart pounding with each step you took.

The stairs stopped at an elegant and slightly dim room that only had one table in it. Sitting there was the asshole prince character you met a few hours prior. His face shone from the moonlight coming through the large window along with the candle fire.

Honestly, if there were no context, he would look like an ideal fantasy prince to you.

He took notice of you and stood up while his heart skipped a beat. Iida took your gloved hand gently and placed a kiss on it; you internally cringed.

"You look lovely tonight," He said while gazing into your eyes.

"I know," You replied boredly.

God, you missed when you were taller than all the boys you met.

Iida chuckled softly before putting his hands back to himself before leading you to the table. He pulled out a chair for you to sit, and you looked at him suspiciously before sitting.

"Thank you," You said while holding your miniaudère on your lap.

(It's like a wallet looking purse thing for those confused lol)

He hummed and sat down across from you; the two looked into each other's eyes. You glared while Iida remained calm. A minute later, a waiter came by with food and wine.

You eyed the tomato risotto and Ratti Conca Barolo wine.

Both your favorites.

"Is there a problem with the food, Ms.Opal?" He said while pouring some wine for himself.

"No, I have no problems with the food." You stated while picking up the fork.

'What if it's poisoned? Well, it wouldn't be the first time....fuck it- if I die now, then I die, but I'm dragging this bastard down with me.'

You took a bite and waited for something to happen; You blinked in surprise when you were okay. You looked at Iida with confusion and doubted looming in your expression. He continued to cut and eat his steak calmly and elegantly as ever, with the dim but romantic lighting illuminating his sharp features.

The pungent smell of the wine and the sound of the silverware was almost condescending to you. Were you overreacting?

Was this all really just a date?

Then how did this benevolent prick know you were Ms.Opal?

Questions ran throughout your head as you continued to eat in silence. You hardly gave the up starting soft orchestra like music a second thought. The soft cellos played quietly as they both finished their meals.

He got up and stood in front of you with an outstretched hand; he really did look like a prince.

"May I have this dance?" He asked charmingly.

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