Handsome Men are the Best Kind Ch.5

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^^^irrelevant but look at my abby dog :D

⚠️- blood, cursing, and two hotties😫🤚💕✨

You held onto your bleeding shoulder that had two bullets in it while the other had one. Poppy quickly jumped out of your bag and transformed into a bear-like creature that picked you up from Shoto who was holding onto you. Poppy ran and jumped up high onto buildings with you and Shoto.

After getting far enough away, you set down the two down on a roof. Turning back into a small Cocker spaniel and whined while licking your limp hand. Shoto panicked for the first time in a very long time.

He didn't know why but just the thought of this woman dying made him sick to his very core. It's not as if he hasn't seen anyone die- hell, he's killed more people than he could count.

But he'd be damned if he let you die.

He started to rip up his shirt for makeshift bandages, but Poppy would growl at him as soon as he got close.

"Heh, it's alright, Poppy...I'll get up in a minute..." you mumbled to your dog as your breathing slowed down.

"You need help- I...I'll-" He tried to start, but his mind was so scrambled he couldn't even make a complete sentence out.

You slowly turned your head to face him; you smiled at him.

"I'll be fine...I just wanna take a nap...that's all..."


No, no, no no no- you can't die. He won't let it happen. Shoto quickly got close to you and held you while the dog continued to bark at him.

You smiled weakly, "I guess if I have to die..at least I get to see a handsome man before I go, haha..."

"You're going to be okay- you're going to be okay," He almost shouted, slightly panicked as he put pressure on your bleeding wound.

"Hey-! Keep your eyes open, don't close your eyes!"

"So-..so noisy..." you mumbled as your eyes darkened.

Suddenly a very tall woman with long black hair along with a taller man with blue hair appeared out of nowhere. The dog seemed to recognize the woman as she snapped her fingers; suddenly, you were no longer in his arms.

Shoto looked wide-eyed at the tall woman who held you bridal style,

"What are you doing to her-?!" He shouted while standing up.

"She'll be fine, Mr.Todoroki; thank you for taking care of her. Adieu~."

And the two only left dust as they were nowhere to be found- they took the dog too.

"Sir! Sir! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Shoto looked over to Yaoyorozu, who was running up to him. She stopped in front of him, slightly out of breath,

"I heard gunshots-"

"Find her." He said below a whispered while clenching his hands into fists.

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