Mr. Nice Guy Ch.8

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⚠️-cursing, smoking,drinking, Bakugo being a asshole


You kicked and punched various objects in your hotel room. Poppy didn't know what was going on, but she barked and bit things, just going along with the destructive flow.

You found a pillow that kind of sort of had the same color scheme as the insufferable man you met and took out a big burst of rage on it.

"THAT OUTRAGEOUS-" This punch ripped some fabric from your ring.

"COCKY-" You stomped on it with your stiletto making a puncture.

"SON OF A-" Just as you were about to swing your door revived a knock. You stopped your tantrum and blinked, noticing the chaos of the room. You breathed heavily while seeing that your hair grew so long that the room was covered in locks of hair.

"Coming..." You sighed out.

You stumbled over to the door after taking a swing from your whiskey flask. You looked around the hallway before spotting two letters on the ground. You groaned and picked them up; scanning them, you saw that they were both wax sealed in pearlescent dust.

'Work is is money but...

I didn't expect a request from Katsuki...'


You groaned from the hangover you had at 4 pm.

"Time to get up, poppy..." You mumbled while drowsily scratching Poppy's head with your manicured nails.

Slowly string out of bed with the afternoon sun shining through the curtains dimly lighting the trashed room. Empty bottles and cigarette buds littered the room; the second-hand smoke illuminated clearly in the ray of light.

"God, I feel bad for the cleaners- I don't think I can spend another day in this filth. How about we go for a walk before we have to see the Asshole, what do you say, Poppy?" You mused softly while deciding on which blouse you should wear.

Poppy stretched and yawned before giving a small woof.

"Alright! Just pick out a dress, and we'll get going."



After some Advil and chamomile tea, along with a 1,000$ apology note to the cleaners, the power duo was out and about.

They were trying the whole 'Untouchable lady's walking down a rich street' look again- hopefully without an interruption.

After going to two spas and three boutiques and one expensive dessert- the time had finally come.


"SIR- SIR- SHES COMING SHES COMING-!!" The loud and clearly excited blonde said, barging into the large office.

His friend Hanta leaned against his boss's large wooden desk with a dink in his hands. The golden blonde who was in sweatpants and a hoodie with his hair in a small ponytail shook him back and forth.

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