I do Jesus- Two

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"Hawaii" I questioned. It's very out of character for my dad to something nice for me. We don't exactly have the best relationship.

We were so close when I was younger but ever since mom died a year ago he got very cold towards me. 

"Pack a suitcase for tomorrow,"  He said while placing the ticket down.

This didn't seem right and it's so last minute. "what about your bags" I asked. "You're going alone, it's some feminazi shit" He replied.

I don't know where he got money to spend on Hawaii when we can barely afford to keep the lights on. 

I went upstairs to pack my suitcase. I packed all of my summer clothes and the essentials. I really don't want the whole fake girls supporting girls thing, but Hawaii is Hawaii.

I set my alarm for six o'clock because the plane leaves at 9.  I turned off my phone and stared up at the ceiling.

Maybe this will be good for me, maybe I'll get a chance to get over the whole Toni thing and maybe when I get back dad and I could be different.

I couldn't sleep. I had so many questions about everything. Why am I going? my dad never does anything without it benefiting him.

I tossed and turned all night in frustration. The moment I started to fall asleep I hear my alarm go off.

What the fuck. I literally didn't sleep for one second.
I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes.

I looked into the mirror with disgust. Holy shit my eyes are so puffy. My hair was like a rat's nest and there was dried up drool at the side of my mouth.

I started to get ready. I brushed my hair and straightened it, I put on a black tube top, threw on a blue sweater and some denim shorts.

The sweater used to be my mom's but after she died I started wearing it, in some ways it makes me feel like she never left.

I started to run late so I ran downstairs to meet my dad waiting for me. My eyebrows raised in shock. This was so weird. Normally he would expect me to find my own way to the airport.

"Let's go," my dad said with a smile. I walked out of the house and put my suitcase on the trunk.

The car ride was silent but it wasn't awkward. We finally arrived at the airport.

"Well, here we are" my dad announced. I stepped out
of the car and got my stuff. "Well, I guess I'll see you on the..." I said expecting him to continue.

He didn't.

"Enjoy yourself, Mel," my dad said guiding me to the door. "I will" I replied. I'm still very confused about this whole situation but I'm just gonna try to enjoy what this is because I need it.

After I went through all the security I finally reached my destination.

I sat down waiting for boarding to start. I looked around and saw seven girls around waiting too. They must be here for the retreat too.

"Martha where the fuck did you put my takis" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Toni Shalifoe. She didn't notice me yet so I turned around before she got the chance.

My breathing started to get faster. Why the fuck is she here. I was supposed to get away from her drama not whatever the fuck this is.

"Are you okay?" a blonde hair girl asked me. "Ya I'm just scared of planes" I lied. "Don't even worry God will get us there safely" the girls smiled.

She had a southern accent which was kind of soothing. She had blonde hair and I think hazel eyes. "Shelby," She said. "Melody" I replied.

"Nice meeting you Melody, I have a feeling we'll be the best of friends"

"Totally," I said in a monotone voice.

I turned away from her to see Toni and Martha sitting away from us. I smiled at Martha. Martha was always nice to me even after the whole Toni thing.

I don't even know how Martha can put up with Toni for so long but whatever it's not my problem anymore.

Shelby grabbed my hand "come on we're boarding now" I followed Shelby onto the plane. "Sit next to me," Shelby said as she found her seat.

"Okay" I replied sitting next to her.  I looked around the plane and there were only ten of us.

Shelby stood up and said "hey y'all let's do some kind of ice breaker"

"You've gotta be kidding me I heard Toni say from the back of the plane"

"Come on it'll be fun" Shelby announced, "how about we get in partners and start to get to know each other" she continued.

"Melody your with me," Shelby said. I looked back and saw Toni looking at us with disgust.

"So tell me about yourself," I told Shelby.  "Okay so I do family I do Jesus and I do pageants" Shelby exclaimed.

"Oh cool," I said not really knowing how to reply.  "What about you," Shelby asked.  I never really know what to say when people ask me about myself. 

"Uhhhh I like Volleyball" I replied. "Oh my goodness I do too, My church has thing youth volleyball team every summer" Shelby added

"I'll see you in a minute I gotta go to the washroom" Shelby got up.

I could hear a girl behind me talking about how much she likes pink and it was getting so annoying.
There was a girl with curly hair sitting beside her.

I don't know how she didn't tell her to shut up right then and there. I think her name was Nora but I wasn't sure.

Suddenly I felt the plane start to shake like crazy. I saw Shelby burst out to the washroom onto her knees and started praying.

Toni ran past me to embrace Martha. There was a girl who didn't even move and she continued reading.
I turned around and saw a girl shoving cake down her throat.

Am I actually going to die? I spent my whole life judging other people and thinking I'm better than them just for me to die alone.

I felt a tear run down my face. I didn't even realize I was crying. It felt like I was frozen. I wanted to move so bad but I couldn't. It felt like I had stopped breathing.

I felt someone's hands on my face. Toni turned my face to face hers. "We're going to be okay," Toni said calmly.

I couldn't reply or blink or do anything.  Toni wrapped her arms around me. 

I remained frozen.

Next thing I know everything is just completely black.

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