Chapter 4

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Jessie's POV

After trying on my three choices I decided the white corset with black wide-leg pants and a dark long overcoat make a nice mix of my style and versatility of whatever type of restaurant we're going to. I decided to do some loose curls, I've never been great at achieving the "messy cute" curls so I gave it my best effort with my curling iron by haphazardly curling pieces in different directions.

After creating a look I was satisfied with, I decided to add some basic neutral colored makeup and moved onto jewelry. I love to accessorize with crystal so I crowded my fingers with hand made or vintage rings and paired that with some basic small hoop earring. I smile at myself in the bathroom mirror before heading for the stairs with my phone in hand and my bag over my shoulder.

The first date nerves have been building all afternoon but they have settled in hard now that I'm on my way out. I haven't been on a first date in a very long time and I really know nothing about his guy. I should have at least googled him first, what if he's a psychopath? Or worse, one of those crazy conspiracy theory guys. Like what if he thinks the earth is flat? How am I supposed to go on a date with someone who might think the Earth is flat??

I bring my thoughts back to my brain and stop them from running wild. I'll text my sister before leaving. Not that she can come to save me all the way from home but I'll at least have someone waiting to hear back from me.

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick vague text to my sister Kristen.

"I'm going on a date, I'll text you later tonight about it!" I sent before throwing my phone in my purse.

On my way out of my apartment, I can see the outline of Sherlock through the glossy window. I can already tell he looks heavenly. He has an ethereal look to him between the pale skin tone and the prominent cheekbones. I watch him as he's ruffling his curls in the reflection of a car window. He's so entrancing because he's anything but plain.

My mind was so flooded with compliments for Sherlock yet when I got outside to meet him I could only manage to stumble over my words.

"Hi, you uh- look so very nice" I stammered while blushing. He was wearing a deep purple button-up shirt that fits perfectly to his torso. He is an absolutely stunning man. He looked down at me with his steady gray eyes.

"You look beautiful, ahem, lovely you look very nice." He stammered seeming surprised at his own compliment. I smiled back at him and asked if we were walking or taking a cab.

"We could walk if you'd like. It's not far" He replied motioning in the direction he had just come from.

"So I have to ask, do you always stop random cabs or do you typically wait for one to pull over" I poke fun at his odd behavior this morning.

He playfully scoffed "Quite honestly, a bit of both. I was rushing for a case"

"A case? Are you a cop?" I asked trying to piece together his occupation.

"No, I'm a consulting detective, I'll tell you more about it over dinner," He says as we continue walking.


We stop in front of a restaurant with large glass windows facing towards the busy street. There is dim lighting and as we enter I see the casual table settings and seating. I'm pretty proud of myself for pulling this outfit out of thin air for the occasion.

I follow Sherlock to a table by the window and I'm slightly confused why we didn't speak to the hostess before sitting down but I just rolled with it. Sherlock seems to have strong energy to him. He walks and performs his mannerisms with confidence, a skill I could benefit from learning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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