Chapter 1

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Arizona's POV

I was going back to Seattle. Me and Callie didn't work out when I had gone back to New York. We decided that Sofia would stay in New York with Callie and I would move back to Seattle.

I wasn't upset about going back, I was actually excited to go back. I was actually more excited to see Amelia shepherd. I had a crush on her for a while but I don't think she ever felt the same way because she was always in a relationship.


I arrived to Seattle, I was gonna stay at Meredith's house for awhile because I didn't have anywhere to stay.

I knocked on the door and I was greeted by Amelia. My breath hitched. She looked so beautiful, she was wearing a long, baggy shirt that covered her shorts. Her hair was shorter than last time I had seen her. It for her so well, her eyes were sparkly they were everything. "Hey Arizona are you okay? You seem pale" shit I noticed I was staring for too long. "Yeah im fine I'm just tired form the plane ride"  "Oh okay well are you gonna stand there or do you want to come on in?" She said chuckling. Her eyes were so bright she just seemed so perfect. "Yeah no I'll go in"

Meredith came down from the stairs "Oh Arizona is here!"  "Yeah she just arrived" Amelia told Mer while she was helping me with my bags. "Oh that's great! She's just in time for dinner. We're gonna order pizza. Is that okay with you Arizona?"  "Yes that's great! By the way thank you again for letting me stay." "Oh it's not problem Arizona. It was mostly Amelia who pushed it on. She was so excited about you staying with us." Meredith said chuckling. Amelia shot a glare at Meredith I don't think she thought I was gonna catch it but I did. Amelia seemed embarrassed. I thought it was cute when she got embarrassed. "Oh really? Well thanks Amelia" Maggie came down " What's all this talking about?" She was looking down at her phone until she saw me. "Oh Arizona you're here! How was the flight?" "It was okay even tho I sat next to a crying baby the whole ride." "Oh that sucks" Meredith said "Yeah it does but it's whatever"
"The pizza's here!" Meredith said "oh great I was hungry, Arizona want to watch a movie with me while we eat?" Said Amelia. I was distracted looking at how she walked that I didn't notice she was talking to me until she said "Arizona!" "Uh yeah what's up?" "I asked if you wanted to watch a movie while we ate pizza but you were too distracted looking at me that you didn't notice" said Amelia. was I that obvious? I could hear Meredith and Maggie laughing about it in the kitchen. "Uh sure sorry about that" "it's fine don't worry about it"

she sat next to me and I could smell her shampoo. If I am not mistaken it smelled like Vanilla "What movie do you want to watch?" Asked Amelia "How about a comedy?" I said "Okay sure" She said and then she put a movie on the TV. I wasn't paying attention at it. I was too nervous her being so close to me. She turned to face me and said "You could of just said no. You're not even watching the movie" she said chuckling  "No, I do want to watch it with you it's just that I have a lot on my mind" I said "Is it about Callie? I'm sorry you guys didn't work out. You were so excited to go see her on Jo's wedding" said Amelia. I hadn't thought about Callie since I arrived. I guess I was too busy on checking out Amelia I had forgotten about it. "No it's not that" "Then what is it Arizona? You know you can tell me anything. By the way what happened between both of you? If you want to talk about it" I could tell she was curious. I don't know if it was because she wanted to see if I was available or just because she just wanted to know. Meredith bragged in and said she had to go to the hospital. "Okay" we both said at the same time. The door closed and Amelia turned her attention back to me. "Well me and Callie never really worked out after I arrived. We were always fighting and I knew it wasn't fair to Sofia. One day I got home from work. I entered the apartment and I found Callie with another woman sitting on the couch. I wouldn't have thought of it if she hadn't given me the look of her being caught doing something she wasn't supposed to." I said sadly "Wow Arizona im sorry I didn't mean to bring it up" Said Amelia. "Its okay it was gonna come up soon or later" I said. I could tell she was sorry so I put cupped her face with both of my hands and turned her face to me. Our faces were inches apart and I couldn't stop myself from staring at her lips. And I saw her staring at mine. "Hey Amelia where did you put the iron curler woah" Me and Amelia quickly detached ourselves. We were closer than I thought. "Uh sorry for interrupting" Said Maggie "Uh no Uh Maggie I think I left it at the restroom" Said Amelia "Uh okay thanks Amelia... You two can get back at whatever you were doing" she made a circular motion with her hand "No we were just watching a movie" I said "Uh huh yeah let's go with that" Maggie chuckled and she left to her room. I turned to Amelia and said "I'm tired can you show me my room?" "Uh yeah sure" said Amelia with a confused/sad face.

I was in my bed thinking about the situation that had just happened "what the fuck just happened... could she also have feelings for me?" I slept with that thought of what if she does have feelings for me.

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