Chapter 5

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Arizona's POV

I woke up and remembered everything that had happened yesterday.
"Was I dreaming?" I mumbled.
"No, you were not dreaming" Said Amelia chuckling next to me. I was not dreaming after all. Everything that had happened yesterday was real. The sex, the make out, the love, it was all real. This is all too good to be true. Wait how long have I been sleeping for.
"What time is it?" I asked Amelia not wanting to be late for work.
"Uhhh... 8:07" Said Amelia after a while
"Omg Amelia im late why didn't you wake me up!" I told her
"I'm kidding calm down. It's 7:05" Said Amelia laughing
"I hate you" I told her annoyed
"No you don't" said Amelia smirking
"Ugh Im gonna go get ready" I told her
"What why? It's early! Why can't we cuddle for the next... 40 minutes" said Amelia pouting
"20 minutes then we start getting ready, It won't hurt us being early" I told her
"Do I have any choice?" Said Amelia
"No, no you don't" I told her
"Ugh fine! 20 minutes" she said

"Amelia" I said
"Arizona" she responded
"What are we?" I asked her
It took her a while to respond which is never good.
"I don't know Zona. I've never been with a woman before and I don't think I'm ready to make it official, I want to be sure. Can we bring the subject back up in a few weeks?" Said Amelia
"WAIT I'M YOUR FIRST?" I yelled shocked
"Shhh be quiet you'll wake up Mer and Maggie" said Amelia
"And yes you're my first" she said
"I've hooked up with woman and had one night stands but nothing was real. There wasn't any real feeling involved, And if there was it was always sex then feelings. It was never feelings then sex." She said
"Aww well I'm glad I'm your first" I said
"I'm glad too zona" she said smiling.

There was a knock on the door proceeded by the door being open.
"Hey Ame- what the fuck-" Said April
"April what are you doing here! Who let you in?!" said Amelia
"Uh Meredith let me in and said you were in your room" said April looking away
"April close the door We need to change then you'll be able to come in" Said Amelia
"Uhhhh ok..." said April

"Okay come in" Amelia yelled
"Uh I just came to tell you both that I am leaving again" she said
"Wait what!" Me and Amelia said At the same time
"Yes I was gonna tell Arizona first but she wasn't in her room so I came to tell you, but now I know why she wasn't in her room" said April to Me
"When are you leaving?" I asked
"Tonight, im leaving tonight" she responded
"Aww April im gonna miss you" Said Amelia
"I'm gonna miss you too April" I said
"How long are you leaving for?" Amelia asked
"2-5 months" April responded
"That long?" I said
"Yeah" April said
"Well I have to get going and finish packing but when I get back we are totally talking about this" April said while pointing at me and Amelia
"Yes ofc but April can you not tell anyone?" I asked
"Yeah of course don't worry about it" Said April
"Well Goodbye im gonna miss you!" I told her while going in for a hug
"Goodbye April im gonna miss you too" Said Amelia also going in for a hug,
"I'm gonna miss you both" said April while closing the door.

"We should've locked the door" said Amelia chuckling
"Yeah we should've" I said
"I'm gonna miss her" I said
"Yeah im gonna miss her too" Amelia responded
I looked over at the clock and saw the time "OMG AMELIA WE NEED TO GET READY! ITS 8:07!" I told Amelia while grabbing my clothes and heading out to my room. I could hear Amelia laughing in her room. She was such a dork.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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