Chapter 3

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Arizona's POV

I got home around 3:00 AM
I was walking up the stairs trying to not make creaking sounds. Amelia came down and said "Oh hey Arizona, you got home late!"
"Yeah I did there were some complications but at the end it was all good" I said "Oh that's great zona!" Amelia respond.
Zona? she called me Zona. It made me blush but I don't think she saw it considering it was pretty dark. "Yeah it is. What are you doing up Amelia? It's very late"  I asked her. "Oh I couldn't sleep. I usually have nightmares when I lose a kid and I didn't want that to happen today" She told me sadly. I could see her eyes getting glossy. "Aw Amelia do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" She looked up at me and I could see the sparkle in her eyes come back again. "Yes Zona I would love that" She responded "Okay let me get off this clothes and I'll be with you in a sec"

I entered her room and she was already in bed. I could see she was trying to sleep so I just quietly got into the opposite side of the bed and hugged her. "Arizona" She said  "Yes whats wrong Amelia?" I responded. She turned and looked at me and said "Thank you"
"Oh Amelia don't thank me" I told her. She looked at me and gave me a smile with a nod and said "Goodnight Zona"  "Goodnight melia"


I woke up to someone knocking at the door. I chose to ignore it. I wanted this moment to freeze. I wanted to stay with Amelia all day.

"Hey Amelia wake up you're gon-" it was Meredith. She looked shocked, I know how it looked like. "Amelia was having nightmares so I comforted her." I told mer knowing she was confused. She gave me a understanding nod and said "Well okay but get up you're gonna be late. Breakfast is ready" and she closed the door. "Hey whats all that fuzz about" Amelia said groaning "It was Meredith" I told her chuckling. She was not a morning person it was adorable. "Meredith?" Amelia got up, I know what she was thinking. "Yes Meredith, I told her I was just comforting you" she let out a relief sigh. "Okay well what did she need?" Asked Amelia "Oh she was just saying to get ready and that breakfast is down" it kinda hurt me when she was worried that Meredith got the wrong idea. Was I that bad for her?

"Well I'm gonna go" I told her angrily. I know I wasn't supposed to be angry but I was. I couldn't help it, I was so mad that I wasn't good enough for her. I could hear Amelia calling my name but I ignored it, I was upset. I entered my room and got ready as fast as I could. I ran down the stairs and said "Sorry I have to get to the hospital now, I got paged" I told all three of them. Amelia was gonna go after me but she stopped herself. I wished she went after me.

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