Chapter 2

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Amelia's POV

Yesterday was crazy. Me and Arizona were just about to kiss. I was upset at Maggie for ruining the moment but I couldn't act on my anger without it being obvious I had a crush on Arizona.

I woke up and I was very tired. I had mostly been up all night thinking about Arizona and yesterday's situation. I decided to make breakfast for all 4 of us.

Arizona came down "Hey who's making breakfast? Oh hi Amelia!" She showed me her dimples and I started getting hot and nervous. She looked so beautiful with her messy morning hair and her sleeping clothes. "Yeah I decided to make breakfast for all 4 of us" I said. Maggie came down "Wow Amelia is making breakfast! Something definitely happened yesterday" Maggie said smirking at me. "Nothing happened yesterday Maggie just shut up about it!" I said annoyed "Okay then what are you making?" Said Maggie. I saw that Arizona was looking down after of what I had just said. Could've I hurt her feelings? "Pancakes" I said "I'm gonna go shower and get ready I'll come down in a bit" said Arizona. She was jogging her way up almost like she was running from the situation. "Okay" me and Maggie said in cue. I turned to Maggie and said "listen nothing happened yesterday. Can you please not bring it up again and not tell anyone including Mer? She has enough in her own life I don't want to add my stuff to her" I said "Okay I won't say a word" Maggie said while doing the motion of her zipping her mouth. She always made me laugh even when I was upset at her.


We all got ready and ate breakfast and left to the hospital. We entered the hospital and we spotted Mer doing charts. "Hey Mer late night?" I said "Yeah I had to do an emergency surgery on one of my patients. They made it through they are just up in recovery" said Mer "Oh that's great are you leaving?" Said Maggie "No I have to stay" said Meredith "Okay we'll see you around" I told her and went my way.

I was doing some charts when an intern came up to me and started talking to me. They wanted to make it seem like they were just being friendly but I caught up and knew they were trying to ask me out. They were making small convo when Arizona came up behind me and said "Hey Amelia who's this?" "Oh it's an intern they were just leaving" I shot the intern a look telling them to leave but they ignored it. "No I wasn't I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to grab a drink later?" Said the intern. Arizona chuckled under her breath. "I'm sorry I have something to do later" I told them. "Oh okay well I'll see you around Dr. Shepherd" said the intern and they left defeated. "So what, ever since I left interns are now bold enough to ask attending out?" Said Arizona "I don't know " I responded to her chuckling. "Well what ARE you doing tonight?" Asked Arizona "Oh I'm not doing anything tonight I just said that to let them down softly" I responded "Oh well do you want to grab drinks at Joe's after shift?" Was Arizona Robbins asking me out? I doubt she is, She's probably just trying to be friendly "Sure" I said with a smile "Well I'll see you tonight Dr. Shepherd" okay that definitely sounds like a date but I'm not complaining. I looked back up and she was gone. I chuckled to myself of how crazy I am for her.
"What do we have?" I yelled "12 year old Jake was in a hit and run" said Arizona "Okay take him up to Head CT." I yelled. How Can people do this to a kid? It makes me so mad and upset. People like that deserve to rot in hell.

"Dam it he has a brain bleed. I need to go in now" I said "Is it bad?" Said Arizona "Nothing I can't fix" I told her while shooting her a smile. "Schmitt book an OR you're scrubbing in!" I yelled "Okay Dr. Shepherd" Said Schmitt.

"Time of death 16:02" I was so mad he coded and we lost him. He was 12 years old. I thought I could save him but I couldn't. I went to an on call room and just cried. Kids deaths always hit me the most. I heard Arizona come in and sit next to me but I didn't look up. I was too upset. "Hey are you okay? I saw you running to an on call room. I'm sorry Jake didn't make it. You did everything you could" Arizona told me while rubbing my back. I just hugged her and cried even harder. We were cuddling and I was just crying. "Do you want me to tell the parents?" Arizona told me "No it's okay I have to tell them" I responded "Okay" she said in a soft tone. "Thanks Arizona for coming down here and calming me down. You didn't have to do that but thank you" I told her "Amelia I will always be here for you no matter what" She told me. I looked up at her and shot her a smile with a nod. I went back cuddling with her. We stayed like that for some time and I slowly got up and told her "I need to notify the parents" "Okay" she said sleepingly.

"We did everything we could but he didn't make it" I told the parents in a comforting tone "You said you could save him!" The mother yelled at me. "I'm sorry but I said I would do everything in my power to try and save him. I am so sorry for your loss" I told her in a soft tone and slowly left.

I went to the on call room where I had left Arizona but she wasn't there anymore. "I guess she got paged" I told myself then I got a text from Arizona

Arizona: Hey Amelia im sorry but I can't attend to Joe's tonight I have an emergency surgery I'm sorry!

Amelia: It's okay Arizona I'm gonna head home. Good luck!

Arizona: Thanks ❤️

I went home with Maggie and Meredith "Hey where's Arizona?" Meredith asked "Oh she got called into an emergency surgery" I told her "Oh okay. Let's head home then" Meredith said

We arrived home and Meredith said in a smirking tone "Hey Amelia I think Arizona has a crush on you. She's always checking you out but you never notice" I knew Arizona checked me out once but I never noticed her doing it more than once. "Oh really? I don't think she has a crush on me Mer" I said chuckling " Oh well. I'm just telling you" said Mer "Okay then" I told her.

I went up to my room and changed into my night clothes. As soon as I hit the bed I was out. I was so tired.

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