Chapter 4

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Amelia's POV

I knew Arizona didn't get paged. I was gonna go after her but I stopped myself. I wanted to give her some space. I knew she was running away from the situation. I think I hurt her feelings but I don't know how.

"Hey Amelia what were you and Arizona doing in bed together?" Asked Meredith snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Wait what? Amelia and Arizona were in bed together this morning?! Woah I need to hear about this!" Said Maggie laughing
I rolled my eyes and sighed "She was comforting me because I have nightmares when I lose a kid, Yesterday I couldn't sleep so she offered to comfort me." I responded annoyed at Maggie's comment.
"Oh Amelia you never told me you had nightmares" said Meredith
"Yeah It's just something that I don't talk about" I said
"Well im glad she was there for you. Let's get going?" Said Mer
"Yeah we should get going" Said Maggie
"Okay then" I said.
We went out the door and headed to the hospital.


I was stuck doing paper work all day until I saw Arizona walking down the hallway.
"Hey Arizona!" I called out after her but she didn't budge, she either didn't hear me or is ignoring me. I picked up my pace and caught up to her.
"Hey Arizona!" I said and grabbed her arm.
"What is it Amelia?" I was taken back by her response. I looked into her eyes and they were bland, no joy, no spark.
"Amelia make it quick I have patients to check up on." She said
I could tell she was upset but I never figured out what made her upset. All I knew was that she was upset because of me but not why.
"I just wanted to know how it went this morning" I told her
"Oh it went okay. Is that all?" She said.
"Arizona are you upset at me?" I asked her even though I knew the answer.
"I'm not upset." She snapped.
"Then what is it?" I asked
"Amelia I'm not upset. I don't always have to be joyful around you." she responded and turned around, then walked away.
I knew she was lying.

I just stood there watching her walk away. I saw her go into an on call room so I followed her even though I knew she wanted to be alone. I entered the on call room and Arizona said
"Amelia leave me al-" I kissed her.
Her lips were so warm and soft. At first she didn't kiss me back but after a while she started kissing me. The kiss started soft but then it started being a kiss of desire. I took control at first and pushed her up against the door but she turned me around and took control and lead me to the bed. We detached ourselves for the first time and took a breath.
I was kissing her for so long I forgot I needed to breathe. "Amelia?" she was asking me for consent and I gave her a nod.
That was all she needed and started kissing me down my neck. I let out small moans.

She started sucking on my neck and made sure to leave marks.
"You do know we are at work and everyone is gonna see them?" I told her
"I want them to see them" she responded and continued. She then progressed to go down my body. Kissing her way down. She kissed all around my entrance. She kissed my inner thighs.
"Arizona" I started begging.
"Patience" she responded.
She started rubbing my clit in a circular motion. I let out a moan. She Started kissing me while rubbing my clit.
Before she could do anymore our pagers went off.
"Big trauma" she said
"Ugh" I responded getting up and putting on my clothes.
"Amelia?" She said
"Yes?" I responded
"Have you had feelings for me?" She asked
"Yes Arizona I have, for a long time" I said.
After some pause she said
"Me too" with a smile.
She opened the door and we went off to the trauma.


"Charge to 300!" I yelled
"Clear!" I said
"Her BP is going up" one of the nurses said.
"Okay let's get her up to head CT!" I said.

"There is no bleeding" I said to myself.
Alex walked in "Hey Amelia, I can see your marks. Who's the lucky guy?" He teased
"Alex go away and leave me alone." I said.
"Hey what's up?" Avery said walking in
"Amelia got it on the on call room, you can see her marks" Alex laughed to Avery
"Ooo Amelia who is the guy?" Jackson asked.
"Both of you leave me alone it's none of your business" I said and walked away annoyed.

"Hey what was all of that about asked Arizona?" Chuckling.
"They were asking me who the marks where from" I told her.
She laughed.
"Arizona!" I said
"What! it's funny! Plus I told you I wanted people to see them" she shrugged
"Well Do you happen to have a scarf or a turtle neck by any chance?" I asked her
"Maybe, Maybe not" she teased
I laughed
"Well if you DO happen to have them I'll be in my office" I said and walked away.

"Come in!" I said while sitting down in my office. I look up and see it's Arizona."So did you have anything?" I asked her chuckling
"Yes I did. I have a turtle neck" she said while stretching her arm out handing me the shirt.
"Thank you" I said

I put on the turtle neck and decided to ask "Arizona,
why were you upset this morning?"
"I was upset because of how you reacted when I told you that Meredith walked in while we were in bed together" she said
"Oh Arizona, I reacted that way because I didn't want to explain everything to Mer" I said
"Oh okay, I understand Amelia" She said.
I leaned in to give her a hug.

"Ready to go?" I asked Arizona while we were at the front desk waiting for Mer and Maggie.
"Yep just a sec" she was getting her charts done "Okay there let's go" she said.
We were walking out of the hospital when we were approached by Owen.
"Hey Amelia!" He said
"Hey Owen whats up?" I asked
"I wanted to know if you wanted to go out to Joe's tonight?" He responded.
I looked over to Arizona and saw that she was waiting for a response. I didn't want Owen I wanted Arizona.
"Oh Owen I'm sorry I can't. I have plans for tonight." I said
"Oh okay then, Maybe some other time?" He asked
I chuckled and said "Goodnight Owen"

"Hey what was all of that about" said Meredith. Catching up to us
"Yeah what was all of that about Amelia?" Said Maggie behind her.
"Oh it was just Owen" I said.
"OMG WAS HE ASKING YOU OUT?" Asked Maggie excited.
"Yes he was" responded Arizona
"Omg Amelia! What did you say?" Asked Meredith. "Oh I have other plans for tonight" I responded. "Really what plans Amelia?" Said Maggie chuckling. She knew that I never had plans.
"I'm helping Arizona with a case" I said
"Well okay then" said Meredith.
"Okay let's get going" I said trying to drop the subject.
"Okay then" said Meredith.
We all headed out of the hospital.

We arrived home and I went to my bedroom and Arizona followed me. "What case are we working on Dr. Shepherd?" Asked Arizona with a smirk on her face.
"I don't know Dr. Robbins, what case would you like?" I responded.
We heard a knock on my door "Hey Amelia!, me and Maggie are gonna head out for some groceries" said Meredith behind the door.
"Okay well, don't take too long!" I said and I heard the front door close.
I turned back to Arizona and said "They Can take as long as they want"

I pushed her down and kissed her neck. I made sure to leave marks while I was there. I took off her bra and it revealed her perfect breast. "You look beautiful" I told her
"Not as much as you though" She responded.
I sucked on her left nipple while she let out moans. She didn't try to be quiet knowing we had the whole house to ourselves. I sucked on her right nipple while playing with her left nipple. I wanted to give them both equal attention. I started kissing down and made sure to go soft and slow.
"Amelia please" she begged.
I gave in and started sucking her clit "Oh Amelia!" She moaned.
"You're so wet" I said
"mhm" she said trying to hold back her moans.
I put in 2 fingers and started rubbing her spot. Her back arched while she moaned my name. Before she could finish I pulled out my fingers and rubbed her clit with my thumb and entered my fingers again. "Amelia I'm almost there!" after she said that she relaxed. I licked her clean and kissed her.
"I would give you an orgasm but I can't move" she chuckled
"Haha don't worry about it Zona" I told her while I was playing with her hair.
"Let's go to sleep?" I said
"Yeah" she said
"Okay, goodnight zona" I said
"Goodnight Amelia" she responded
I watched her drift off to sleep. Everything about her was perfect. Her hair, her eyes, her smile, her skin, everything was perfect, even her imperfections were perfect.
I went to sleep thinking about her.

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