Part 7

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Omkara was facing the window, with his back to the door. Gauri slightly opened the door, and poked her head it.

"May I come in?"

Omkara gestures with his hand, indicating her to come in.

"Sir, I am Gauri Kumari Sharma, and I am told that I will start working as your P A from today."

Omkara slowly turns around with a lazy smile on his face, and his smile turns even bigger when he sees the shock on Gauri's face.

Gauri felt as if her heart just fell to the pit of her stomach. "Shaurya?" She says in a bare whisper.

"So we meet again, Sharma." Omkara says with a smirk.

All the promises, all those pains and betrayals, all that loneliness came flooding back to her mind as she stood there looking at the man who had taught her how to love and then taught her how to live without that love, who had given her the biggest happiness of her life- her daughter, who had ruined her life. Tears started coming to her eyes, and she told herself, she would not cry, she will not cry. She will not show him that he still mattered to her.

After what seems like an eternity, Gauri asks, What are you doing here?"

"Well, this is my company!!!"

Gauri in a voice filled with contempt says, "I thought you had absconded to US."

Suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and he gave her a chilling look. Slowly, he got up and walked towards her.

"Anyways, office hour is from 9 in the morning, but I come here around 8 in the morning, so I want you to be here before I come, organize my meetings and appointments for each day with a hot cup of coffee waiting for me."

Now he was standing right infront of her, and leaned closer to her, whispered into her ears. "You remember how I like my coffee, right?"

And he took a deep breath, and Gauri had goosebumps all over her body.

"Ah... I was wondering whether you changed your shampoo... No you didn't... you do remember how the smell drove me crazy, right?"

He looked the same, but somehow looked more mature, his hair was a little over grown, and he got specs. But all that was making him look all the more sexy. Gauri tried to calm herself by taking a deep breath, Oh God! How good he smelled. It was driving her crazy. Her heart was beating so fast, that she was scared it will burst now. Gauri hated this effect he had on her.

She moved back, and with a determined face says "No, I don't remember and I don't have to because, I am not going to work for you."

Gauri starts to walk out.

"Stop right there, Sharma! Otherwise I will continue this conversation right outside, and mind you, that time I won't be talking about what I liked, but rather what you liked, and mainly what you liked that I did to you."

When he sees her shocked expression he continues with an evil smile, he walks towards her and runs his fingers on her cheek moving down towards her neck, and says "and how you used to beg me to touch you."

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