Part 36

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Omkara keeps looking at the chain in shock as he held his chain fisted.

"Your mother gave it to her five years ago." Anika says as she tried to control her emotions remembering what her sister has been going through all these years thinking the man she loved cheated her.

Omkara looks at Anika confused, seeing the tears in her eyes he remembers what the chain had been for Gauri and him, but he couldn't believe what Gauri's di was saying, his mother gave a chain like that to Gauri? No, she never knew about the chain and she can never do something like this. Omkara turns to look at his mother, so she could confirm it to him that she didn't know anything.

The moment he saw his mother's face, there was only one thing in his heart and lips, "Why?"

Hearing her son's heartbroken question Jhanvi falls on her knees as she broke down folding her hands at her son "I am sorry, Shaurya. I am sorry."

A single lone tear fell down his eye as he watched his mother crumpled to the floor mumbling incoherently.

"Gauri was told that you didn't want her. That you were bored with her and left her." Shivaay says angrily thinking about the injustice done to Gauri and Sahasra, also to Omkara.

Turning to look at Shivaay, Omkara says "I never left her. I love her. I have always loved her."

"We know." Shivaay reassures him, "Gauri also knows. Last night your mother told her everything."

Omkara remembers Gauri coming to meet him the night before, she had told him that she never left him, but he didn't believe her and didn't let her speak instead told her he hates her, and now she truly left him, leaving behind Sassy for him. Omkara couldn't believe that his heart had always been right; Gauri loves him, has always loved him and could never betray him. He wanted to laugh, dance and cry in joy that his Gauri had never left him.

He hears a sob and remembering his mother he turns to her and seeing her in the same position he kneels down hugging Sassy's sleeping form tightly to himself, and asks her as tears roll down his face freely "Why mom? Why did you do this? You knew how much we loved each other, then why?"

When Jhanvi continued to cry without replying Shivaay says from behind " "Harshvardhan Sharma and she did everything."

Omkara turns to Shivaay in shock, even Papa was involved? The people he had trusted over his Gauri and his heart had betrayed him.

Anika realizing that Shivaay was going to tell Omkara everything then and there interferes "Omkara, we will tell you everything but can we go to our house, Adi our son, he is alone there."

Omkara nods and stands up with Sassy in his hands and without looking at his mother he walks out with Shivaay and Anika.

Omkara was sitting with Sassy on his lap as he tried to register everything that Shivaay and Anika had told him about what had really happened to Gauri, Sassy and him. He couldn't believe that their parents did this to them and all because of money. But more than at his mother or Gauri's father, he was angry at himself for not believing Gauri but blindly believing what was presented to him, and she had to struggle in this world as an unwed mother. And he knew how cruel this world could be to an unwed pregnant girl. She had strongly faced the world bearing everyone's questions and accusations including his.

"Do you know where she went?" Anika asks worried, "Did Sahasra tell you anything?"

Realizing that he can't sit here all his life, he had to take charge and get his life, his Gauri back, Omkara immediately stands up.

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